
海哥哥的小小海平面-1205  05/29   11773  

時間:5月31日 週六 上午9點-下午6點
地點: 奇異果教育學習中心 21040 Homestead Rd., Cupertino 95014


時間:5月31日 週六 上午9點-下午6點
地點: 奇異果教育學習中心 21040 Homestead Rd., Cupertino 95014
Tanzania faces a mature, generalized HIV epidemic. In 2011,  an estimated 1.6 million Tanzanians were living with HIV/AIDS,[1] with 1.3 million being age 15 or older.[2] Based on 2011 data, AIDS has resulted in an estimated 1.3 million orphaned children. (ref:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIV/AIDS_in_Tanzania)
This charity sale is for Pastoral Activities and Services for people with AIDS in Dar es Salaam Archdiocese (PASADA) in Tanzania. (http://www.pasada.or.tz/BW_Homepage.htm)
This institution strives to reach the poorest of the poor living with HIV and provide them with holistic care and support services. They have over 36,000 clients currently registered and approx. 3,000 clients attending medical services per month. However all its services are donor funded and require constant support for them to continue.
You can support them in different ways:
1. Come to our charity sale to buy some second hand items that you need (clothes, accessories, toys, games, electronic products…)
2. Donate items that you don't need any more
3. Donate money
4. Come to volunteer at the sale booth ( making lemonade, playing music...)
Thank you for your support! God bless you!