
海哥哥的小小海平面-1205  11/19   43164  

这又是一个普普通通的早晨,例行去上送孩子去Monta Vista High,本来5/6分钟的路程,今天用了30分钟整,每一个周三上午是学区的Later Start 9:25am,这里的Monta Vista有2000位学生,Kennedy Middle School有1320位学生,在前往学校的道路上,本来已经有上两千辆送孩子的车辆,可是这条通往学校的闭经之路上面,各种大货车,各种各样的施工车辆,收垃圾车,照样趾高气扬地在这个学校最繁忙的时候霸占在路上!我只能用无奈和愤怒来形容!


我们这个城市“ 是肿么了” 市政府!市议员,市长,警长,安全交通委员会!“你们难道是看不见吗?,你们难道不扪心自问吗?

This is an ordinary morning, send their children to Monta Vista High routine went on, had 5/6 minutes away, and today spent the whole 30 minutes, every Wednesday morning, the school district is Later Start 9:25 am, here the Monta Vista has 2,000 students, Kennedy Middle School has 1320 students on the road to school to send their children already have a vehicle on the two thousand vehicles, but this section of the road leading to the school's amenorrhea above, a variety of large trucks, a variety of construction vehicles, refuse collection vehicles, still arrogantly at the busiest time of the school to occupy the road! I can only use to describe the frustration and anger!

Cycling child victims of the tragic events of 10/27 occurred prior twenty-two days from today! All problems still exist, do not just in our city was built around the house, regardless of people's livelihoods and security, it is true

City Hall! Alderman, mayor, sheriff, traffic safety committee! "You Is not see it? Do not you ask yourself it?

海哥哥真实报道 Report By: Wenhai form Cupertino