为Palo Alto小学筹款--风雅颂社旗袍秀11/8/14

轻歌曼舞-1202  11/13   20859  

Qiqao Show at a Fund-Raising Culture Gala for Walter Hays Elementary School in Palo Alto 11/8/14
为小学公益筹款--风雅颂社旗袍秀 Performed by Feng Ya Song Cultural Group   

Performed by: Mandy Luo Caressi, Xiao Xia, Cherie Cheng, June Wong, Lei Yuan & Alice Lin (Consultant: Haiyan Jackson)

Special thanks to Walter Hays Elementary School parents, Lin, Hao, Joey and all other volunteers.


Maeya Culture /美亚文化集团-1432  11/18
