【新视野:美國在亚洲國防優先事項上的取舍考量】~ 魁省山寨·推荐

蒙城老張-101698  05/09   4676  

日前,美国、菲律宾与澳大利亚正在菲律宾西部海域进行“肩并肩”(Balikatan)联合演习。 美国和菲律宾士兵,在一架澳洲空军侦察机的支持下,发射了密集的高精度火炮、火箭弹、空中打击,击沉了一艘中型靶舰。 


「America is willing to sacrifice for uninhabited rocks and reefs in the East and South China Seas. This is one of the main messages from Japanese prime minister Kishida Fumio and Philippines president Ferdinand Marcos’ official visits to the United States. The Biden administration’s doubling down on advancing Indo-Pacific countries’ interests vis-à-vis China represents a reckless strategy in a region where Washington should be especially shrewd and savvy. Instead of fighting others’ battles and setting itself up to fail, Washington should adopt a restrained regional policy to secure its interests.」

美国《国家利益》网站发表“国防优先事项”(Defense Priorities)特约研究员马希克(Quinn Marschik)的文章。








「President Joe Biden’s insistence on U.S. defense treaties with Japan and the Philippines covering the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands and the Philippines’s military activity in the South China Sea increases tensions and risks conflict with China. Beijing views the two disputes as “core” or vital interests. As such, China is willing to risk war to assert its claim if necessary. Indeed, Beijing became more assertive after Washington announced its “Pivot to Asia,” out of fear it could effectively lose its territorial claims. China’s assertiveness will not disappear with stronger U.S.-Japan-Philippines ties but will likely intensify to test the relationship and attempt to deter it.」

Instead of risking U.S. vital interests, Washington should walk back its commitments to defend uninhabited rocks, reefs, and islands in the South and East China Seas. These commitments are already not credible. Would the United States really risk a nuclear war over a shoal thousands of miles away? Though highly uncredible, the reassurances should still be revoked to minimize the risks and replaced with a firm reassurance that the main islands of the Philippines and Japan would be resolutely defended if attacked.

A peaceful Indo-Pacific hinges on the United States and China learning to live with one another, not more expansive security relationships. While centered on China, expanding these relationships without care for vital U.S. interests puts national security in danger. The Biden administration’s persistence in defining international affairs as a grand struggle between democracies and autocracies and the cornerstone of its regional partnerships makes the situation worse. In response, Beijing increasingly sees U.S. policy as a threat to its sovereignty. As an alternative to an ideology-based and military-first approach, a new operating model centered on vital interests and diplomacy is needed.

Quinn Marschik is a Contributing Fellow at Defense Priorities.