
8020 PAC-1317  10/30   19293  

Q: What's the prospect that Democrats will retain control of the Senate?
A: Not that hot, unless Asian Ams, blacks and Hispanics will turn out in unusually large numbers in contested Senate races to support the Democrats.  We hope that you will and get your friends to join you.

Why support them?  To pay our debt.  The Senate under the Democrats' control has TRIPLED the number of AsAm federal life-tenured judges, including increasing the number of AsAm federal Appeals Courts judges from ZERO to FOUR.

"Rewarding the politicians who share our concerns and punishing those who don't" is in the best of democratic traditions.  It is the best way to help ourselves WIN equal opportunity!

Q: How does this election impact SCA 5?
A: There are two schools of thoughts.  
School 1: Some in CA are advocating to use this election to help make sure that Democrats in CA no longer enjoy a 2/3 majority in either the Senate or the Assembly.   Why?  So that SCA 5 could not be revived by the Democrats, because reviving requires a positive 2/3 vote in CA's Senate and Assembly.

School 2: 80-20 thinks that there is a much better way of stopping SCA 5.  It'll benefit AsAms in not only CA but also nationally.

Q:  80-20 knows politics.  What is 80-20's method?
A: Use this election to induce a MUCH STRONGER accountability from  AsAm officials nationally, by defeating Paul Fong for NOT serving our interest during the STOP SCA 5 struggle.  Such a defeat will delight AsAm officials who have been faithful to us.  It'll warn the others.  

In addition, SCA 5 can NEVER be revived in CA .  It is because whether the Democratic Party achieves a 2/3 majority in both the Senate & the Assembly in this election or not, it can NOT maintain its 2/3 majority in a future SCA 5 vote.  All AsAm Democratic senators and Assembly-persons will vote against it.  None of these officials will want to be the next Leland Yee or Paul Fong.

Logically,  we must FIRST get the AsAm officials to take our rightful interests seriously, before other officials will be mindful of our rightful interests.  

Fellow Asian Americans: 

Let's use this opportunity to tackle the chronic problem of insufficient accountability from our own officials.

Q: Is there something personal between you and Paul Fong? 

A: No, I don't know Paul Fong at all, haven't talked to him and haven't met him.  It is NOT personal.  It is for the benefit of the entire AsAm community.  

     FORWARD this email to your AsAm friends in San Jose, and urge them to vote for Paul Fong's opponent, Chappie Jones.  Wall Street Journal recently published a quote  praised Chappie's leadership and vision for San Jose.

 S. B. Woo, a volunteer
President, 80-20 National AsAm Political Action Committee, Inc.