
8020 PAC-1317  09/15   10361  

Q: What is the best way for Asian Ams to politically protect ourselves?

A: Give (1) lip service & (2) small donations.

Q: Give "lip service and small donation" to whom?

A: To organizations which are true in their hearts and effective in helping AsAms.  That way, you'll get big return from a tiny investment.

Q: Why would lip service work?

A: In a one-person-one-vote democracy, an organization that can deliver a lot of votes has political clout.  If 1/10 of the 18 million Asian Ams think that 80-20 is a good organization, and give it lip service i.e. praises in social networks, conversations with elected officials, and in prints,it'll mean 1.8 million AsAms occasionally praise 80-20 -- lip service.  

However, the result will be significant.  Politicians will therefore know that 80-20 is probably capable of delivering votes.  That awareness gives 80-20 the political clout to serve YOU.


 Q: Why will making "small donations" work help?  What is small?  

 A:  0.1% of your annual income is small.  Invest that in politics.  If you invest in an organization like 80-20, you'll get a HUGE return from it.

Let me illustrate.  There are a million plus AsAm families with an annual income of $100,000, according to national statistics.  If 1/10 of them will choose to give 80-20 $100/yr for 5 years, it'll be  ($100/family X 1,000,000 families x 1/10) = $10 million per year for 5 years.

80-20's current budget is $100,000.  IMAGINE, if 80-20 has a $10 million annual budget!  Will you still face the lowest glass ceiling in workplaces?  Will your children still face the highest huddles in college admissions?  Will people like Beckel still dare to demonize us?  


Q: Giving lip service & small donations makes good sense!  Why aren't we

     doing them? 

A:  Why aren't we?  :-)


                Act!!! Give Small Donation NOW!     


80-20's SELF must raise $1 million/yr for 5 yrs, since S.B. Woo retires in 2016.  Otherwise, 80-20 will likely demise. If 80-20 can't raise $350,000 in the first 11 months of its 2-year campaign, how likely will it raise $1 million/yr for 5 yrs. at the end of 2 years?  NOT likely.

      To try harder, S.B. Woo induced Woo's Foundation to give a $125,000 over 5 years grant to create a CHALLENGE bid.   Donation to SELF from $300,000 to reach $350,000 by 9/30/2014 will be matched*.  SELF is currently at the $311,500 level.    

        We still NEED either 192 individuals to each give $100/yr for 5 yrs, or 19 persons to each give $1,000/yr for 5 yrs, or person to donate $19,200/yr for 5 yrs to reach the $350,000 CHALLENGE!  Help keep 80-20 alive.

         Pls DONATE by clicking here.  Only 16 days left for the matching*.  See Footnote 1 for how to quadruple your donation.

S.B. Woo, a volunteer

President, 80-20 National Asian Am. Educational Foundation, Inc.


Footnote 1:  

(1) Get matching from your company. See the names of 23 large Am. Corporations that gift-match donation to 80-20 Educational Foundation. (2) Woo's Foundation will match both, and therefore (3) You donation will be 4 times more effective.   80-20 EF's Employer I.D. : 20-2391770 and Public Charity Status: 509 (a) (2).

* If the goal of $350,000 is not reached by mid-night 9/30/2014, there will be no matching.  However, the grant will NOT be withdrawn.  It'll remain with SELF for a future challenge bid.    Go DONATE .