【亚裔美国人值得尊重 而不是“回到中国”的侮辱和更糟 by 赵小兰】~魁省山寨·推荐

蒙城老張-101698  05/17   9005  


USA TODAY 于5月15日刊载了美国前交通运输部长和前劳工部长赵小兰(Elaine L. Chao)标题为“Asian Americans deserve respect, not ‘Go back to China’ insults and worse”的文章,全文如下:

Elaine Chao, who served as the Trump administration’s Transportation secretary, is married to Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell.
On a beautiful spring morning, my day began with a cup of coffee, an enchanting serenade from a songbird outside my kitchen window, and a hateful e-mail entitled: “Go back to China, China woman.”


We are Americans. I was born in Taiwan and came to America when I was 8 years old. I received my citizenship when I was 19 years old. But for those who weaponize ethnicity, “Go back to Taiwan, Taiwan woman” would not be the slur they seek. It wasn’t the first such missive and won’t be the last.


Others – also targeted because of their ancestry – have suffered far worse abuse, including savage beatings and even murder. It is outrageous that in 21st century America, any of our fellow citizens and residents have to live in fear and endure such attacks because they look like their ancestors didn’t come here on the Mayflower.


Alarming COVID-era rise in hate


Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen an alarming increase in anti-Asian bias, hate and deadly violence. Despite having worked at the highest levels of the federal government and having dedicated myself to a life of public service, even I am not immune to these malicious attacks, false narratives and accusations of disloyalty to America.


Such repulsive rhetoric is unfortunately not new; every time my husband runs for office, the opposition finds no problem questioning my ethnic heritage and patriotism and mobilizing it against us.


Even the media has lodged baseless attacks against me and my family. Yet, all of this pales in comparison with the physical threats and intimidation that Asians are facing in America as they continue to be scapegoated for the pandemic. It is heartbreaking especially as we recognize May as Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month – a time when our nation is supposed to be celebrating this community’s achievements and contributions.


Sign from a recent rally on March 31, 2021, in Los Angeles.
Sign from a recent rally on March 31, 2021, in Los Angeles.
Like so many others, my family came to America for the opportunity of a better future. My father scored No. 1 in the national examinations in Taiwan and was given the chance to study abroad. My parents knew if they could come to America, they would have a shot at the American dream.


Without money or documentation for a seven-month pregnant wife and two young daughters, my father came to America alone. It took him three years before he was able to bring us to America.


‘People of color’ terminology: After Asian American hate, I’m reclaiming racial solidarity and the term ‘people of color’


The initial years were difficult; we didn’t speak English and lived in a small one-bedroom apartment in Queens, New York. But my parents were confident that America was the land of opportunities. This is the dream of millions of Americans.


We are bound together by an idea and not by what we look like. Americans, therefore, look like the rest of the world. The best and the brightest come to our shores, seeking a better future, and in turn, their dreams and aspirations propel our nation to thrive.


AAPI community must be more visible


Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) are an essential part of the American story: We make up almost 7% of the U.S. population. And despite being underrepresented in American history books, AAPIs have been an integral part of this nation for hundreds of years.


While we are now more accomplished and integrated than before, the AAPI community is often not seen as influential. Our community possesses a collective buying power of $1 trillion, but American media, products and campaigns do not recognize us nearly enough. Within the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, there is a growing awareness of the need to be more visible and vocal.


One such promising organization is The Asian American Foundation, established last week by a group of prominent Asian American entrepreneurs to combat anti-Asian violence and discrimination and fund various important programmatic initiatives. Their historic effort to raise record amounts of resources to support AAPI organizations and initiatives is commendable. During my tenure as both U.S. secretary of Labor and U.S. secretary of Transportation, I have sought to improve access to greater opportunities by underserved communities, including the Asian American and Pacific Islander community. Since leaving federal office, I am committed to continuing those efforts.

亚裔美国人基金会(Asian-American Foundation)就是这样一个充满希望的组织。上周该基金会由一群著名的亚裔企业家成立,旨在打击反亚裔暴力和歧视,并为各种重要的项目倡议提供资金。他们历史性地努力筹集创纪录数量的资源来支持AAPI组织和倡议,这是值得赞扬的。在我担任美国劳工部长和运输部长期间,我一直在努力改善服务不足社区(包括亚太裔社区)获得更多机会。离开联邦政府后,我将继续努力。

Hopefully, this Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month will increase appreciation for how America’s diversity and freedoms are, and have always been, its greatest strengths.



趙小蘭(英語:Elaine Lan Chao,即伊萊恩·蘭·趙;1953年3月26日-),美國前任運輸部長,是一位出生于臺灣的台裔美国人,美國共和黨政治家,夫婿為參議院少數黨領袖米奇·麦康诺。趙小蘭之資歷橫跨政商學及非營利組織,包括美國銀行VP、和平隊團長、聯合勸募總裁、保守派智庫傳統基金會資深傑出學者,亦曾任小布希政府勞工部長,是美國內閣中首位亞裔女性、以及首位华裔部長。2016年11月,趙獲候任總統唐納·川普提名为运输部长. 參院以93-6票跨黨派同意任命(夫婿麥康諾議員投出席票)。除肩負全美陸、海、空交通管理及戰時運輸調度外,也執行川普擴大投資美國「策略性基礎建設」重責大任,掌管逾一兆美元前瞻開發。2021年1月7日,受到美国国会示威的影響宣布請辭,並於1月11日正式卸任。

Elaine L. Chao (@ElaineChao), secretary of Labor in the George W. Bush administration and secretary of Transportation in the Trump administration, was the first Asian American woman to be named to a president’s Cabinet and the longest serving Cabinet member since World War II.