
anonymous-102873  09/09   5504  

I am a new creation. Old things are passed away. All things in me are new. All things in me are of God. I’m reconciled to God by Jesus Christ. God has given me the ministry of reconciliation. God has made Christ the sin for me that I may be made righteousness of God in Christ. I am the righteousness of God in Christ. Father, in Jesus name, I am born again. I have your spirit in me. Your son is in me. You are in your son. I’m in you. We are in this together. You are for me and nothing can stand against me. I have authority over sickness and disease. I lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. I cast out devils and they do go. In Jesus name I raise the dead. I preach the gospel. I thank you father. Your word is true. Your spirit lives in me. You walk in me. You talk in me. You are my God and I’m your child. I am a son of God. I am The Devil's master, and I am man's servant. I serve men by driving out Devils, by driving out sickness. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I believe what I say and it comes to pass. I thank your father. Your word is true. It’s true in me and you live in me. I live in you. It's no longer that I live, but Christ who lives in me and through me. I thank your father that your words are spirit and life. And those words in my mouth produce life. I thank you I have the Spirit of God. I thank you I have life. I have life in abundance. I have life overflowing. I have so much life that I have life to give away. And I give away life to the sick and they get healed. I give away life to the oppressed and they get delivered. In the name of Jesus I thank you father that by his stripes I was healed. And because I was, I am, healed by his stripes, filled with his spirit. Right now his words are true in me. His words are spirit and life. Hs words are my words and therefore my words are spirit and life. And when I speak, the spirit of God agrees and brings it to pass. I thank you father that right now I stir up the gift. I thank you Father that I have the faith of God. I thank you Father that I have faith, I have hope, I have love. The love of God is shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Ghost. I have righteousness. I have sanctification. I have redemption in Christ Jesus. He has made unto me wisdom, righteousness, sanctification. I am now a saint of the Living God called in Jesus Christ. I thank you father that I have gifts, that I have wisdom, I have knowledge, I have understanding. I thank you that I have the Spirit of God which guides me into all truth. I need not any men to teach me, but the anointing that I have teaches me all things. The anointing that I have abides in me, lives in me. He has set up his house in me. I can’t take a step without the Holy Spirit stepping up. And He cannot take a step unless I take a step. I lay my hands on the sick and the Holy Spirit lays hand on them and they are healed, that blind eyes are open, cancer dies, at my words. And it is so because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I love the word of my God with all my heart all my soul all my mind all my strength. With everything that’s in me I bless his holy name. I love my neighbor as myself. Therefore I treat them the way I want to be treated. If I was sick I’d want them to come to me and heal me, so I go to them and heal them. I do what I want for me.  This is how I live. This is life in the spirit. This is God living his life through me. I let the word of Christ dwell in me richly in all wisdom and his word is alive in me and his word is sharper than a two edged sword. His spirit teaches me, guides me, and leads me into all truth. And I’m growing up into Christ and I’m not tossed to and fro. No longer a child but growing up, taking my place in the kingdom of my God, taking my place as a son, taking responsibilities for those around me. And I’m preaching the gospel to every creature. And right now I make a decision to change to be who I am rather than who I was. I choose to forget me and let Jesus live big in me. I’ll let him loose through my life to do as he will do the same things he did when he walked this earth in his flesh to set the captives free, to open the eyes of the blind to bring deliverance to the captives. In Jesus name, what starts today will never end. This is who I am in Jesus, in Christ. Amen