
一朵浪花-1086  07/28   12204  

如果你认为Mr. Beckel 讲的是对的。那当然不用反对他。也不必借口什么分散精力,磊落一点,对大家都好。

如果你不认同Mr. Beckel。 只是担心分散精力。我们只需要做这么两件事:
1. 当有机会发出自己声音的时候,说出自己心里话。7/29中午的媒体见面会是个机会,一个小时。表达你的心声。
2. 抽一点时间,自己写信,或修改,或直接使用附上的sample letter 告诉他们,作为一个active 和concerned citizen, 你的观点。


Dear Sir/Madam,

As an active and concerned citizen I am asking you to take some time to review the incident on July 10th involving Fox News co-host Mr. Bob Beckel. In front of million viewers, Mr. Beckel slurred Chinese Americans, calling them “Chinamen.” Mr. Beckel continued to spread his ignorant views and promote racism towards Asian Americans by saying, “we bring them over here and we teach a bunch of Chinamen – er, chinese people -- how to do computer and go back to China to hack into US”. Mr. Beckel continued the slander, “all they do {The Chinese} is hacking into our stuff, they send us cheap toys all of which have lead in it and they kill kids”.
I appeal you to use your influence and your power to send a message that these kinds of comments spread hatred and are unacceptable.
We, United for a Better Community, demand Mr. Bob Beckel to be fired to discourage future ignorance, prejudice, and racism.
I am looking forward to hearing your input concerning the incident and the repercussions.

Dear Mr. Roger Ailes (CEO of Fox News)
I am writing on behalf of … concerned about the recent incident on July 10th, 2014 involving Bob Beckel’s racist remarks towards Chinese people. As active citizens of the United States, we support multiracial understanding and oppose public figures that propagate discrimination and prejudice through ignorant comments. In Bob Beckel’s most recent controversial comment, he broadcasted his racist views towards Asian Americans by saying, “we bring them over here and we teach a bunch of Chinamen – er, chinese people -- how to do computer and go back to China to hack into US”. Mr. Beckel continued, “all they do [The Chinese] is hack into our stuff, they send us cheap toys all of which have lead in it and they kill kids.”
Mr. Beckel has a history of ignorant and racist comments. As concerned citizens, we are asking for his resignation. Not only does Mr. Beckel poorly represent your network, allowing him to continue working without any repercussions for his words sends the message that Fox News accepts these kinds of hate-promoting comments. When public figures spread hateful comments as Bob Beckel has done, it threatens our hope for a community united in understanding and acceptance. The fight against discrimination in this country has a long history and a long road ahead. Please join us in showing your support of tolerance and mutual understanding by calling for Bob Beckel’s resignation.
To all sponsors of Fox News,
I am writing on behalf of … concerned about the recent incident on July 10th, 2014 involving Bob Beckel’s racist remarks towards Chinese people. As active citizens of the United States, we support multiracial understanding and oppose public figures that propagate discrimination and prejudice through ignorant comments. In Bob Beckel’s most recent controversial comment, he broadcasted his racist views towards Asian Americans by saying, “we bring them over here and we teach a bunch of Chinamen – er, chinese people -- how to do computer and go back to China to hack into US”. Mr. Beckel continued, “all they do [The Chinese] is hack into our stuff, they send us cheap toys all of which have lead in it and they kill kids.”
Beckel has a history of ignorant and racist comments. As concerned citizens, we are asking for his resignation. The fight against discrimination in this country has a long history and a long road ahead. When public figures spread hateful comments as Bob Beckel has done, it threatens our hope for a community united in understanding and acceptance. Please join us in showing your support of tolerance and mutual understanding by cutting your funding to Fox News until Bob Beckel resigns.
Dear [someone],
I am writing on behalf of ….. On July 10th, Bob Beckel made a string of slanderous remarks towards the Chinese community. In what was just the latest of a long career of ignorant comments, Mr. Beckel broadcasted his racist views towards Asian Americans by saying, “we bring them over here and we teach a bunch of Chinamen – er, chinese people -- how to do computer and go back to China to hack into US”. Mr. Beckel continued, “all they do [The Chinese] is hack into our stuff, they send us cheap toys all of which have lead in it and they kill kids.” We are calling for his resignation in order to send the message that propagating prejudice and hate is unacceptable.
The fight against discrimination in this country has a long history as well as a long road ahead. We are asking for your public support in calling for Mr. Beckel’s resignation as well as our general mission to promote multi-racial unity, understanding, and tolerance. Thank you.