AAPA/AAV/SVCA Joint statement to denounce the racial slur from Fox News host Bob Beckel

Alex Chen-1199  07/14   13679  

July 14th, 2014

San Jose, California - AAPA-PAC, Asian American Voters(AAV) and Silicon Valley Chinese Association(SVCA) jointly issue the following statement to denounce the race slur from Fox News host Bob Beckel and demand immediate resignation of Bob Beckel and apology by Fox News.

We, Chinese Americans, are outraged by the racist comments repeatedly used by Bob Beckel in his programs.

During Tuesday, July 10th, Fox News "The Five" broadcast, co-host Bob Beckel referred Chinese people with derogatory word "Chinamen". This is the second time he's publicly caught to use such racial slur. Last year, Mr. Beckel said that after he went swimming, his "eyes blew up, and it made me look Oriental".

As American society continues embracing diversity and welcomes people of all background from the world, we shall never tolerate such raciest comments. Mr. Beckel shall immediately resign from "The Five" and Fox News shall issue a formal apology to Chinese American community.

Please join us to fight against any defamation activities against Chinese American community.