Campaign Against New York State Senate S7738

anonymous-114  06/11   11795  

紧急动员全美各地人士于今天(6月11日)上午11点(EDT)之前通过Email和电话反对纽约州参院 S7738 议案,并至少通知两位您的朋友采取行动。这个议案被视为纽约市立特点高中(Specialized High Schools)的SCA5。目前最紧急的是州参院Rules Committee有可能今天11:30就决定直接将议案送州参院投票,故刻不容缓。下面的帖里有简介、州参院两位领袖的电话和Email,打电话的talking pointns,及Email全文(也可自撰)。Sorry about the short notice。但总算还不是“马后炮”,不能像加州参院通过SCA5的时候说没听见有反对声音啊,是吧?

请不要马上刷屏,让更多人早上看到此全国紧急动员令。若需把文字Email 给您,可把您Email地址私信给我或但我上午开会[Frown])。或找薛海培。即使过了今天11点,也不晚,请采取行动,直到成功!谢谢![Fight]

Campaign Against New York State Senate S7738

0) Introduction

The Specialized High Schools of New York City have noticeably been the select and highly competitive public schools. At this point, there is a clear underrepresentation of certain minorities students. Because of this worsening underrepresentation and the single test admissions standard adopted since the early 70's by the schools in question, some New York State legislators, other politicians and certain education groups are trying to remedy this perceived imbalance or lack of diversity, by pushing through legislations addressing the issue. 

Asian American communities, among others, are concerned about the approach or methods these legislations have adopted or new bias they may fester, and they are especially concerned about the ways these bills are being rushed through the legislature. As you are reading this news now, New York Senate is deliberating if it will put S7738 for a whole senate vote. We studied the bill and we do not quite like what we saw. We are concerned about its intended or unintended consequences for our children and for the future of these fine institutions. 

We are now campaigning to stop the bill. Going forward, we will work closely with educators, legislators and the affected communities to come up with thoughtful, balanced and fair solutions to address the disparities, as should be a responsible and compassionate member of the diverse New York communities. Please join our campaign. Thank you!

1) Contact Info for New York State Senate Co-Leaders

Senator Dean Skelos

(518) 455-3171

Legislative Office Building, Room 909

Albany, NY 12247

Senator Jeffery Klein

(518) 455-3595

Legislative Office Building, Room 913

Albany, NY 12247

2) Talking points for opposing S7738 

a. Asian American communities are not or insufficiently informed or consulted of this pending legislation (S7738); we are in the total dark and did not have a chance to participate in the process AT ALL;

b. For such an significant, high-impact bill, there is NO sufficient public outreach and public hearing; 

c.The bill is full of uncertainty or black hole, when it leaves the legislative details to New York City authorities. 

We urge you not to send this rushed bill for a floor vote.

3) Letter to New York State Senators

Dear New York State Senators,

We are surprised and concerned to hear that S7738 is being rushed through the state Senate in the closing days of this legislative session. 

Little is known about this pending bill which is going to significantly and perhaps negatively impact and affect our Asian American communities. For a Senate bill of this import and impact, there is, alarmingly, no public hearing nor serious outreach to the affected communities. Our communities are thus not consulted nor had a chance to participate. As stakeholders for the consequences of this proposed bill, we, with grave concern, request that you refrain from a vote on the bill on the Senate floor, before you have a chance to hear from the affected communities and allow the shareholding communities the full participation in this democratic process.

For the future legislative sessions, we promise and pledge to work closely with the state Senate to find a new consensus and achieve an equitable and fair admissions procedures for New York City Specialized High Schools. 

Sincerely yours,