冲刺初选,Barry冒酷暑在Campbell一天扫街7.5小时实录 (三)

quanhe-984  05/27   9573  

编者按:此系列小文记录Barry Chang,于5月26日,Memorial Day, 亲自走进Campbell地区,走街串巷,于酷暑高温下,一家一家拜票的事迹。此文为第三篇。Barry 相信天道酬勤,一直在苦干实干。我也希望天道能酬勤,让Barry能在即将来临的6月3号的选举中胜出。Barry, 加油!


Barry Chang 3:42 PM
One more vote from a Democrat!

Barry Chang 3:55 PM
I just got another Republican vote. An old lady said she will have her hair done by tomorrow . If I want to take a picture with her, I can come back tomorrow after her hair is done.

Barry Chang 4:09 PM
A 92 years old Democrat just told me Yes. He is going to vote for me.

Barry Chang 4:10 PM
A Hispanic lady just said Yes to me! 

Barry Chang 4:25 PM
CP's yard sign is in the area. 他团队也蛮拼的。也祝他好运气。

Barry Chang 4:30 PM
Another Democrat who will vote for me and who took a picture with me. They are having a party for Memorial Day at his home. He said he was a Republican before. He switched to Democrat not long ago. He said he would never go back to Republican. I don't know why for he was in a hurry to get his party ready.

Barry Chang 4:31 PM
Taking a water break. It is really HOT!

Barry Chang 4:59 PM
Another Yes vote from a Republican family in Campbell!

Barry Chang 5:05 PM
An Yes vote from another Republican! This is so great!

Barry Chang 5:18 PM
I am taking a water break. 好渴。 還有一條街要掃。 今天成果不錯, 明天早上10 點 出發。

Barry Chang 5:32 PM
又是一戶共和黨兩票。她說她還沒投。 會投我兩票。 請她跟我照個像, 她說沒打扮, 不行。 但一定投我兩票, 並幫我跟朋友拉票。

Barry Chang 5:38 PM
2 votes from this Democratic family. She is very nice. They have a big black dog.

Barry Chang 6:18 PM
John & Carolyn know EL. However, they told me since I am the only candidate showing up at their door and discussing with them on various issues. They will vote for me and also ask their friends and neighbors to vote for me. They registered as Independent.

Barry Chang 6:21 PM
She is an Eastern Indian. She said she likes what I have to say. She will vote for me and ask her friends to vote for me, too. She is a democrat. 

Barry Chang 6:23 PM
I am thirsty, hungry and tired. It has been more than 7 and a half hours walking precincts.

Barry Chang 6:27 PM
今天成果豐碩。 EL的知名度真低。 明天一直到選舉日, 我們都到Campbell 這個大票倉挖票。 我要回家休息了, 明天再來。

Barry Chang 7:03 PM
我們全力拉票,拼第一、得第一。聽說EL很懶, 不掃街拜票。哈。

Barry Chang 7:13 PM
太太交待要買菜回家,剛剛到大華買了菜, 在回家的路上, 肚子快餓扁了, 扁扁扁!

Barry Chang 7:34 PM
8個半鐘頭後,回到家了, 有飯吃, 真好, 人生一大享受。

Barry Chang 8:03 PM
謝過了老婆大人的恩典了, 吃飽了, 感覺真好。 明天再到Campbell掃街拜票. 明天還會很熱嗎?


Barry Chang 8:16 PM
很多選民說從來沒有候選人到他們的家拜票,就因為我是唯一的一個,他們這一票非投給我不可。天道酬勤, 屢試不爽。

Barry Chang 9:57 PM
phone banking team也辛苦了, Michael 小心你家Oliver不要中暑了。 謝謝大家陪我衝刺, 很累也很過癮。七个半小时,30个yes,我很满意。另外,那两位白人朋友,Tim和John,也有不小收获,搞到好多票。



For a check: Pay to the order of 
Barry Chang for Assembly 2014 
Mail the check to: 
P.O.Box 2523 
Cupertino, CA 95015-2523