冲刺初选,Barry冒酷暑在Campbell一天扫街7.5小时实录 (一)

quanhe-984  05/27   8843  

编者按:此系列小文记录Barry Chang,于5月26日,memorial day, 亲自走进Campbell地区,走街串巷,于酷暑高温下,一家一家拜票的事项。此文为首篇。Barry 相信天道酬勤,一直在苦干实干。我等也希望天道能酬勤,让Barry能在即将来临的6月3号的选举中胜出。Barry, 加油!

Barry:5/25,10:33PM 明天早上10 點到Campbell 大票倉掃街拜票, 挖EL的票。 有興趣走路運動, 請到我家、 10 AM sharp

Barry: 11:05 Just got another vote in Campbell. A Democrat. Please see the house in picture.

This is great. I just got 2 Republican votes from this house. Pleas see the picture. I asked her to take picture with me. She said she just finished working out.a little bit stinky。

Two more votes from Democrats.

這次拿了6 張共和黨的票。 老太太特別跟我談了20 分鐘。 她同意我對Gun control and holding government accountable 的立場。 讓我用她家的洗手間, 還給我冰開水。 成績不賴, 她不喜歡拍照, 我只好自拍

Barry: Just got another vote from Democrat. See the house. Campbell 真的是大票倉。

肚子太餓了, 吃飯去也。

(待续。。。敬请关注二和三,看看Barry到底在今天拿到多少的票 ^_^ )

For a check: Pay to the order of 
Barry Chang for Assembly 2014 
Mail the check to: 
P.O.Box 2523 
Cupertino, CA 95015-2523