9th Grade Student: Meet Lindy Li

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Meet Lindy Li

                                     Lucy Xu

【bio】Lucy Xu is a 9th grader attending Vandegrift High School in Austin, Texas.  She loves science and social studies and is ranked #1 in her high school class. She enjoys playing music and is a member of Austin Youth Symphony Orchestra, which performs multiple public concerts each year.  In her spare time, she likes to read and participate in club swimming. She was a member of the National Junior Honors Society in middle school, and is currently involved in her school’s STEM club and Model UN. 

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On February 27, 2016, I and my fellow Asian Americans of Austin were fortunate to have Lindy Li, congressional Democrat candidate for the 6th district of Pennsylvania, talk to us about her journey and dreams. Before that moment, I did not know what to expect. Many online articles painted her as a very admirable woman, but what was she like in person?

When Ms. Li got onto the podium, she did not hesitate to introduce herself and to start telling us about her life and the values she holds close to heart. She passionately talked about her family and how much she owes them, and her thankfulness and love for her country.

It seemed astounding to me that Lindy Li was able to give a public speech for two hours straight without any clear stumbles or mistakes. I could tell that she was very passionate about her values, and that she would do anything to defend them. One particular fact that surprised me was her firm stance against the NRA. Usually, politicians would cater towards that gun organization, but Li was different and spoke out against it. She believed that the gun laws in America are not strict enough, and wants to prevent events like the Sandy Hook shooting.

Another show of her dedication was proven when she quit her job at Morgan Stanley, where she made money in the six digits, to pursue her dream in politics, stating that her wish was to serve the people. She noted that although she was able to earn a large sum on money in her previous job, she was never content. Ms. Li believed that she would be more satisfied if she lived to serve the people rather than just herself.

She also emphasized on doing what you want to do, and believing in yourself. She was particularly outspoken in the fact that women should be more proactive and assert themselves when necessary. She accentuated that women are equal to men, and that they should be treated as such.

During her speech, she told us many stories about her family. One story in particular that touched me was when she had to go around her neighborhood in freezing weather to collect signatories for her campaign. Ms. Li’s car unfortunately ran out of gas a short distance from the gas station. Sensing his daughter’s urgency, Ms. Li’s father got out of the car and helped push it towards the gas station. When he realized that the gas station they were at was not serving any gas at the moment, Ms. Li’s father ran back and forth to a nearby station to get the gas required to help Ms. Li’s campaign. Lindy Li looked back on this incident with profound respect, and she acknowledged and was grateful for everything people had sacrificed to keep her dream possible. She emphasized on the importance of family, and how they had supported her throughout her journey despite initial reservations.

Overall, Ms. Lindy Li gave me the impression that she is a bright and determined woman. She described that throughout the last few months, she was treated worse than in any other period in her lifetime. She said that she had to stop reading the comments on certain websites because they were too negative, and that her opponents criticized her repeatedly. It is difficult to be involved in the political world, as people would always think of debasing ways to demoralize their competitors. This gives me great admiration of Ms. Li, because despite her age, gender, and race, she is able to continue to flourish and be herself in this hostile environment. Despite a grueling race, Ms. Li mentioned that she would still put her family first, pausing her campaigning just to attend one of her brother’s events. I believe that it is very admirable that she still allocates time for her family despite her busy schedule.

Ms. Li fights for what she believes, whether it is to be Congresswoman of Pennsylvania’s 6th district or class president at Princeton University. Even under unfavorable circumstances, Lindy Li still continues to fight on, never getting discouraged. That perseverance and determination, I believe, are traits that everyone should strive to have, and ones that my generation should learn from her.