
纽约代伟-102179  03/09   6979  

3月8日晚,在SVCA“硅谷华人协会”微信群里,Peter Kuo-郭宗政宣布:他将参选加利福尼亚州第17选区国会众议员。

Hi folks, announced my candidacy for US Congress in CD17 today. Appreciate any help you can give. www.peterkuo.org





加州第17国会选区位于旧金山湾区南,硅谷中心。包括:Cupertino,Fremont,Milpitas,Newark,North San Jose,Santa Clara和Sunnyvale等。亚裔占总人口的49.7%。

17区现任,是74岁的日裔民主党众议员Mike Honda。

**Statement of Running U.S. Congress

I'm running for United States Congress! 

Our country faces many challenges today. Stagnant employment, high healthcare costs, unfunded government programs, countless threats to our safety and freedom from abroad, and daily attacks on our Constitutional rights and civil and religious liberty.

34 years ago, my parents and I moved to America from Taiwan.  After escaping political persecution, we moved to San Jose in search of the American Dream. 

When we arrived, we did not know the American culture, nor the language... but we were well aware of America's reputation of rewarding those who work hard, and hard work was definitely something instilled in me from a young age.

I'm proud of the successful career I have built and of the beautiful family I have been blessed with.  My wife Vera, like me an immigrant (from Indonesia) and I have three amazing children.  My oldest son Nicolas is a freshman at St. John's University in New York and was just named a Residence Advisor for next year.  My daughter Natasha is about to graduate high school, and has been offered multiple university scholarships because of her leadership and service to the community.  My youngest son Nathan will enter high school next year, and we know he will follow in the footsteps of his older siblings and be a strong leader and student in his own right.  As family we enjoying exploring Silicon Valley's great cultural dining options, playing tennis and golf, and traveling all over our beautiful state.

I've been truly blessed, therefore it is time for me to pass those blessings on to others and serve my community.  My history of local community service is extensive, and I'm now proud to add to it serving as my local Rotary International Club President.  

Now, as a candidate for United States Congress in California I want to continue my service not just to our community, but to the nation. I'm lucky to live and work in the heart of Silicon Valley where creativity becomes a reality, where innovation becomes the future, and where America's challenges are overcome.  These are "Silicon Valley Values"... these are "Our Values!"  These are the values I hope to bring to Washington, D.C. to help assure that the American Dream is preserved for generations to come.  We owe it to our children and grandchildren to leave them a better and more prosperous nation with unlimited opportunity for success, good health and good fortune.  It is incumbent on us to assure that the will of our Founding Fathers remains timeless, and that each person enjoys the "Right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Remember, Thomas Jefferson did not suggest that happiness be guaranteed, but that the ability to pursue it would be.  So in addition to assuring endless opportunity, we must makes sure our next generation understands the important of hard word that we inherited from our parent's generation in order to earn such opportunity.

As your Congressman, I will work to assure education policy is left in the hands of local communities.

As your Congressman, I will work to make sure that healthcare costs are affordable, available to all who wish to have it, and is transportable across state lines.  We should not minimize the number of healthcare opportunities in this country, but allow for an environment in which healthcare companies must keep their cost low, and quality of service so high, that anything else would not allow them to be successful in a competitive market.  

As your Congressman, I will work to assure that not only does Silicon Valley remain the innovation capitol of the world, but to assure that it remains the greatest idea incubator in America.  We must do all we can to attract new innovative companies to Silicon Valley, which will of course provide new jobs, new wealth, and new revenue to help keep our schools and local services unmatched.

Finally, as your Congressman, I pledge to work to end the gridlock that infects Washington, I will work with members of both sides of the aisle to assure a better future for America.  But while I will strive to be independent minded and non-partisan, there are values I will never compromise.  

I will work to assure equal opportunity for all Americans and to assure protection of religious liberty.  These are the values that brought my family to America, and these are the values we must work tirelessly to defend for future generations.

Thank you for your support, your love of our state and our country, and as always, for your prayers.

Peter Kuo