
李春燕-1142  03/07   15753  


3/8 Update: when I reread his quick essay yesterday, I was quite surprised at how close his thinking and even some words were to Jess' interview, where she said twice "took the fall for the sins of the nation." Arnold used the phrases "take the fall for other incidents", and "pay for the sins of others."

On Peter Liang--Our Sense of Balance
Arnold 9th Grade
We always want what we don’t have. And we jump on the easiest opportunity we see. In some instances, this is good. It improves our condition of life, as we strive for more. Yet on the other hand, this leads to conflict, to struggle, to strife. We hate to admit it, but we humans are selfish. We thrive off of seeing others suffer, if it benefits ourselves or leads to some so-called sense of “balance” in this world. 

Now, when this “balance” is swayed, we jump on anything, and everything, to right this imbalance, no matter the situation. When the scales tip one way, we feel the absolute necessity to tip it the other way, no matter what. This sense of equilibrium gives us comfort, a sense that everything is righteous, that everything is deserved, that everything is harmonious. 

But is this balance worth the arbitrary pushing down of some in favor of the raising of others? Is this balance worth the scapegoating of innocents to make the rest of us feel justified, to make the rest of us feel that everything is dignified?
Peter Liang was this scapegoat, who took the fall because of the world’s twisted sense of balance, this sense of balance that trumped justice. Instead of doing what was just, the world lashed out, pushed by demons to tip the scales back the other way. The world lashed out and pushed Liang down under to take the fall for the other incidents

When the world saw that no police officers were being convicted for the killings of African Americans such as Eric Garner and Michael Brown, they saw Peter Liang as their opportunity. They saw Liang as the opening they had been waiting for, the chance to pay for the sins of the others. Justice no longer mattered. Morality meant nothing. Fairness went down the drain. 

Peter Liang was just a tool to take advantage of, to be the scapegoat the world desperately wanted. And he was the perfect tool. Peter Liang was an easy target. 
           “He’s Asian,” they say. 
           “Asians are quiet,” they say.
           “Nobody will stand up for him,” they say.
           “Asians are weak,” they say. 
The world knew he would be weak, supported by the few, attacked by the many. It’s about time we let the world know that they’re wrong. It’s about time that we showed the world our strength, our bond as an Asian American community. It’s about time that we showed the world that we aren’t just here to be scapegoated, to be the laughingstock, to be the silent, the weak. 

2/18/2016: 我看了后挺吃惊,觉得他小小年纪能有这样的sense of morality,就追问他。

1. 我问:有人说我们亚裔不关心非裔,你怎么认为呢?

His answer: Not that we don't care, but the situation is different. The same thing can be said about African Americans, that they don't care about Liang.

2. 我问:有人说梁caused the death, 你怎么认为?
His answer: The wall caused it. Liang didn't want to cause the death--didn't even know someone was there.

3. 我问:有人说Justice was served,你怎么认为?
His answer: Justice wasn't served? Justice wasn't even considered. 
没时间请他阐述第三个问题,觉得上面他快速写的就是“what was considered", i.e., the sense of balance was considered, that Liang took the fall for others. 


Jess Interview

反馈节选:@燕ོ子,引用 <苏菲的世界>里面一段话:“我们的这个世界就像魔术师从他帽子里拉出的白兔,这只白兔的体积极其庞大,因此这场戏法要数十亿年才变得出来。所有的生物都出生于这只兔子的细毛顶端,他们刚开始对于这场不可置信的戏法都感到震惊。然而当他们愈年长,也就愈深入兔子的毛皮,并且呆了下来。不愿再冒险爬回脆弱的顶端。唯有哲学家才会踏上此一危险的旅程,迈向语言与存在所能达到的顶峰。” 小朋友勇敢好奇,敢于跳到兔毛顶端去理性分析问题,这种能力会让他受益终生!而我们大人,有几个人曾认真的思考这个世界是否是自己看到的,经验的存在?是否真的抛开固有思维去考虑问题?