220 YouTube上精彩辩论

抱香书生  02/24   16224  



To Joeysmith and dear African American bros:
With due respect to your opinion and argument, I'd like to point out that one should be very careful when drawing analogy between many historical cases of police shooting and Liang's shooting. In almost all the shootings before, the cops knew what's going to happen. They pulled the trigger intentionally. Obviously Liang didn't intend to shoot and kill anyone. Actually he didn't even know there was someone else around except him and his partner, let alone that he knew the bullet would have stricken Gurley. This is a big difference. 

One could still argue that Liang recklessly misfired the gun which eventually caused Gurley's death, so he should be held responsible. Yes and No. Liang didn't fire the arm just for fun either because there was a reason. The startling sound that Liang heard in the darkness (with only flashlight in hand) could trigger his spontaneous and instinctive action for self-protection - bear this in mind, the building is one of the highly dangerous ones in the city so the cops have to keep keep strong vigilance to avoid being hurt or killed. 

The second argument for Liang's conviction is that Liang didn't extend his hand doing CPR to rescue Gurley.  Based on the disclosed information, Liang testified that NYPD didn't provide real training before issuing him certificate. This to some extent explained why Liang didn't provide CPR as soon as he realized that Gurley was shot although he did call the bureau to come on site for support and assistance. The other explanation is that he was so panicked after he misfired the gun, especially when he realized that Gurley was shot whereas he was not confident on providing CPR. 

More importantly, newly disclosed information suggests there was no so called long lapse between the shooting and the calling for medical assistance. There were a few minutes after the misfire when Liang and his partner didn't even know someone was killed.  Once they found Gurley and his girlfriend, Liang did radio for assistance. 

But anyway, I think we both agree that Gurley and his bereaved family deserve justice and someone should be responsible. I also agree that Liang should be responsible for his mistakes which are the direct cause of Gurley's death, which certainly is a tragedy that no one wants to see. Liang should face his due. What we don't agree is that you seem to view the conviction of Liang does the Justice and is a sign of correction to historical injustice that African Americans experienced in many police-shooting cases before, whereas we felt it is not fair that Liang as a rookie officer, who obviously didn't have any intention to shoot or kill Gurley, should be punished beyond his due. 

Two rookie cops were sent to patrol highly dangerous building. Were they adequately trained to handle instant critical situation? How were the police trained in areas like CPR? What if the building was well maintained with sufficient lighting? Why is the building so dangerous which not only is a threat to police lives but a threat to residents in and around? 

Just as you or many African Americans are sensitive that police killing is more or less racially targeted or related, we Chinese Americans cannot help thinking the disproportionately harsh punishment inflicted upon Liang is more or so out of political expediency of the bureaucracy to ease the anger from African Americans towards police while dodging its own failure in seriously addressing the real issue and root. 

We too hope to see a change that will do justice to African Americans not in a way hurting or sacrificing another minority, Chinese Americans, who have even weaker voice than African Americans. 
