
anonymous-114  05/10   4439  

吹水 by Ping Luo

昨天晚上还有一个小花絮跟大家厚颜无耻的分享一下,我们的大美女Lisa Tow 在跟美美和大家照完像之后,非常淡定的说:我们这些妖精们是一个非常重要的群体,俗话说“得妖者得天下”,谁能把这么一群妖精网络到自己旗下,天下基本上就是自己的了。美美是何等聪明的人物,一听非常有道理马上说,你们等一下,我把Bob 叫过来,跟大家一起合影!
然后Bob来了照完像后,美美说我要想想怎么才能把刚才的这番话翻译给Bob 听,现在还要想想英文的妖精怎么讲。正在这个时候,Lisa 又非常淡定的用她超棒的英文插话了:
Bob, your wife realized this table has a group of talented women which she'd like to recognize. These 12 women are Not just pretty women's, they are dedicated moms, successful woman's from all professions, and they are super intelligent, passionate and fully engaged... Any politicians who cab get their attention & support would make a successful campaign...if you get them, you the would the whole world.
Bob 听完后,点头不已。妖精们夸自己可真是不需要打草稿哟,出口成章!牛皮就是这么吹出来滴!
内什么,老大,Lisa Tow 真的可以做外联广告部的首席发言人,考虑下哈![呲牙]