Denise Gitsham简介

JackyZhi-105376  02/18   9088  

Denise Gitsham (吉晓玉)出生并成长于加州的移民家庭。她是家中的独生女,一个小型企业家,也是圣地亚哥革新经济的领袖之一。


Denise很小就记得父亲告诉她将来可以成为任何她想成为的人,因为她生活在一个充满自由和机会的土地上。这些话,和她最喜欢的圣经片段Luke12:48-“ to whom much is given,much will be required”一起,促使Denise把握每一次机会,尽力奉献给她所热爱的国家。

从乔治敦大学法律系毕业后,Denise先后任职于美国司法部、美国参议院和白宫。在2009年受聘于一家位于圣地亚哥的可再生能源公司之前,她还曾在著名的国际律师事务所K&L Gates做一名执业律师。现在,Denise拥有一家小型公司,并致力于大力发展圣地亚哥革新经济。后者正逐渐成为圣地亚哥本地经济的驱动力,并为圣地亚哥居民创造着更多的高收入工作机会。

Denise会讲流利的汉语,是一个高水平的古典钢琴家以及长跑和铁人三项运动员。她曾经担任加州十六大创新枢纽之一的董事会创始成员,是圣地亚哥市区某技术团队的联合创始人,以及参与创作了“The Innovator's" 一书。她还是圣地亚哥世纪俱乐部的临时会员和Scripps慈善医院基金会董事。

Born and raised in California, Denise Gitsham is the only daughter of immigrants, a small business owner, and a leading voice for San Diego’s innovation Economy.

Denise’s mother, a Chinese immigrant who came to the US via Taiwan, and her father, a Canadian immigrant who served 20 years in the United States Air Force, instilled in her a deep appreciation of the blessings associated with being American.

Denise’s earliest memory is of her father telling her she could be whatever she wanted to be, because she was born in a land of freedom and opportunity. Those words, coupled with her favorite Bible verse, Luke 12:48 – “to whom much is given, much will be required” – compel Denise to make the most of every opportunity presented to her, and every chance to give back to the country she loves.

A graduate of the Georgetown University Law Center, Denise has worked in the U.S. Department of Justice, United States Senate, and White House. She practiced law at the prominent international law firm K&L Gates before joining a San Diego-based renewable energy company in 2009. Today, Denise owns her own small business, and works to promote San Diego’s Innovation Economy, which is driving our local economy and creating high paying jobs for San Diegans.
Denise is fluent in Mandarin Chinese and an accomplished classical pianist, as well as a runner and triathlete. She served as a founding board member of one of California’s sixteen Innovation Hubs; is a co-founder of San Diego’s downtown tech group, the Innovators’ Collaborative; is a provisional member of the San Diego Century Club; and serves on the Board of Scripps Mercy Hospital Foundation.