Crystal phone banking 经验谈

anonymous-114  05/08   4160  

说说我phone banking的心得。
傍晚是最好的phone banking时间,选民在家,找到人交谈的几率较大。
如果接电话的是本人,尽快进入主题。I am xxx. I'm a volunteer with the Catharine Baker for State Assembly campaign. I want to be sure you know the election is just around the corner and that we get your support for the only republican candidate on the ballot. 如果对方有兴趣继续,你就问那三个问题。
如果接电话的人不是显示在电话屏幕上的人,就问:“Are you his/her family?" 如果本人在,就要求那人接。如果不在,这个时候你就要就尽量让他take a message。Can you please a take a message for him/her because this is about a republican candidate and s/he is a registered republican voter.
有时接电话的是配偶或儿女或父母,你也一定要问 are you a registered voter yourself? 抓住机会让这人也投票。
支持baker的人自然你就要卖lawn sign,可以说,Your vote means a lot to Catharine's race. It would be even better if you can show you support by putting a lawn sign in your front yard. 有人就很乐意接受了。
- 整个通话尽量conversational.
- 有的voter会问你为什么Catharine好,你要说出几句。我自己准备了三点。script里面有些话你可以借用,make it your own word. 最后可加一句,if you need more information, go to her website and read more. You can contact her office too.
- 遇到老人是一个好机会(我的经验)。语速要放慢,当中要问问他们有没有听清。今天在一个老太太那里要了几票,卖了一个lawn sign。她还给我她女儿女婿地址电话,让给他们送去,而且他们的票老太太要去提醒。我撞了大满贯!所以老人的票好催,他们难得和人说上话,你耐心他们就很舒服。