
陈钢市长竞选团队  01/27   5047  

       陈钢在尔湾市议会(上) ,演讲(下)

Chen Gang:I went to the Irvine City Council Meeting today and gave a short speech. Here is the script of my speech:


1,尔湾有一些区域,如Northwood、Turtle Rock 等,手机信号非常弱,尤其在一些运动场地。由于一些民众已经不再使用地线电话,手机信号变得非常重要:他们依赖手机拨打紧急电话,和进行日常通讯交流。这个问题影响到我们尔湾的民众。


我的名字是Gang,因此我们的竞选口号是 Join our GANG for better Irvine(注:Gang在英文中有“群、伙”的意思)。




Gang Chen for Mayor 2016, FPPC# 1379051
【Original Statement】
 Proposal to Improve Cell Phone Signals and Provide City-Wide FREE Wi-Fi Access
Current city councils,
My name is Gang Chen. First name spell like Gang, pronounced like "Gong." As some of you may know, I am running for the Mayor of Irvine in 2016. In my discussions with hundreds of Irvine residents, the following problems have been identified in our city:
1.      In some areas of the Irvine, such as Northwood, Turtle Rock, etc., the cell phone signals are very poor, especially in some of the sports fields. Cell phone signals are important because many people do not even have a land line anymore, they depend on cell phones for emergency calls and daily communications. This issue affects many people in Irvine. 
2.      New York and Los Angeles have decided to provide city-wide FREE Wi-Fi access. As Irvine is trying to become a great city, we should do the same. City-wide FREE Wi-Fi access will benefit ALL people in Irvine. 
3.      Our campaign proposes that carriers be contacted and a timeline be established for an immediate solution.
Ps.I also improvised and talked off the script and added the following: After I talked with hundreds of voters and residents, I found out most people in Irvine do NOT care about partisan politics and partisan fights. They care about real issues, care about what elected official can do for them. Irvine is not Republican's Irvine, or Democrat's Irvine. Irvine belong to all of us, and we all need to work together to make Irvine better.

Join our Gang for a better Irvine. Together, we can make Irvine better.

My first name is Gang, so our campaign slogan is:"Join our Gang for a better Irvine."
Together, we can make Irvine better.
Gang Chen, a resident of Irvine for 18 years
Gang Chen for Mayor 2016, FPPC# 1379051