Neel Kashkari's Statement on SCA 5

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Neel's statement on SCA 5
尼爾(Neel Kashkari) 對SCA 5聲明

As the son of immigrants who came to the United States to pursue their education, I know firsthand the doors of opportunity a great education can provide. My family wasn’t wealthy, but because my parents made sure that my sister and I got a good education, we have each been able to enjoy a slice of the American Dream that brought our parents to this country some 50 years ago.

Unfortunately, that opportunity is slipping away for far too many young people today. Millions of students are stuck in failing schools in communities all across the state. Tens of thousands of students never make it to high school graduation day. And those who make it to a four-year college or university often graduate with thousands of dollars in debt – and then are cast into a job market where 17 percent of Californians are either unemployed or stuck in a part-time job.
不幸的是,今天這樣的機會正在從太多的年輕人身邊溜走。數以百萬計的學生深陷在全加州的各社區裏不良的學校之中。數萬記的學生從來就沒有讀到高中畢業。即使那些好不容易進了四年制學院或大學的學生,畢業的時候也背上了數千元的債務, 畢業後他們面對一個有17 %人在失業或只能做兼職工作的加州就業市場。

The good news is that we know students who go to college have lower unemployment rates and have higher earning potential over the course of their lives. In 2013, data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that workers with a high school diploma faces a 7.5% unemployment rate, while those with a college degree only faced an unemployment rate of 4%. In hard dollars, those with a high school diploma earned about $34,000 per year, while those with a college degree earned nearly $58,000 per year. Although college certainly isn’t for every student, there’s good reason for our state to encourage more students – particularly from underrepresented communities – to pursue a higher education.
令人可喜的是,我們知道那些上了大學的學生在他們的一生中有較低的失業率,並可能有潛力去獲得較高的收入。在2013年,由勞工統計局的數據表明,有高中文憑的工人的失業率是7.5 %,而那些具有大學學歷的工人的失業率只有4 %。用美元來算的話,那些具有高中文憑的人每年掙約34,000美元,而那些具有大學學歷的人每年掙近58,000美元。盡管大學肯定不是每一個學生都適合,但有充分的理由說明,我們的州應該鼓勵更多的學生,特別是來自弱勢族群社區的學生,去追求更高的教育。

Unfortunately, the reality today is that gender and race gaps persist in higher education. Women of all ethnic groups are outpacing men when measured by preparation for college, college enrollment, and graduation from both the UC and CSU systems. At 64%, Black men have the lowest UC graduation rate. And an average of one Black and Latino man graduates from the CSU for every two Black/Latina women.

Yet instead of treating the root cause of the present gaps in higher education, Democrats in Sacramento choose to only address the symptoms, feigning action by promoting Senate Constitutional Amendment 5 – legislation that pretends to address inequality while concurrently destroying opportunity for many other students.

To be clear, I believe that every child can learn, regardless of the color of their skin, what neighborhood they grew up in, or how much money their parents make. And there’s no doubt that I want to see more California students – including students from underrepresented communities – pursue a post-secondary degree.

But bringing race, sex, color, ethnicity and national origin back into our higher education system is clearly not the answer. The underlying problem of underrepresentation will not be addressed by punishing the success of some at the direct expense of others. This divisive legislation would only serve to pit Californians against one another and enshrine discrimination as state-sponsored policy.

Generations before us fought against discrimination in the college admissions process. SCA 5 would have been a huge step backward for our state’s students and schools. There is no place for discrimination in our college admissions process.

But the question remains: how do we expand access and availability to all students in California who seek a great higher education?

We must begin by improving the K-12 education system that feeds into our state’s community college, California State University and University of California systems. Specifically, we must remove power from Sacramento bureaucrats and place it in the hands of those closest to our children – teachers, parents, and principles – empowering them to put students, not political interests, first. I will also reform higher education to make it more accessible and affordable, harnessing technology and innovative funding models to help students to graduate more quickly and with less debt.
我們必須從提高K-12教育系統開始,K-12教育為加州的社區大學,加州州立大學和加州系統大學培養入學前期教育。具體來說,我們必須除掉那些在加州首府官僚的權力,把這個權力還給那些最接近我們孩子的人 - 教師,家長和校長 - 授權他們把學生,而不是政治利益,放在第一。我也將改革高等教育,使之更加方便和實惠,利用技術和創新籌資模式來幫助學生更快地畢業,畢業時背更少的債務。

I’m a Republican because I believe that ours is a party of hard work, and creating more opportunity for every student – not just a select few – is the best way we have to lift people up.