敬邀您參加夏樂柏參議員及何美湄於5月18星期天下午和加州州長候選人 Neel Kashkari 見面

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Please Join
Senate Republican Leader Senator Bob Huff and Mei Mei Huff
at a Business Roundtable and Press event

Neel Kashkari
Candidate for California Governor

with Other Invited State Assembly and Senate Candidates
AD16 Catharine Baker
AD28 Chuck Page
AD41 Nathaniel Tsai
AD48 Joe Gardner
AD49 Esthela Torres Siegrist
AD55 Ling Ling Chang
AD57 RitaTopalian
AD65 Young Kim
AD66 David Hadley
SD10 Peter Kuo
SD32 Mario Guerra
SD34 Janet Nguyen

Time: Sunday, May 18 2014
3:00pm to 4:30pm Press Event

Pacific Palms Resort
Majestic Ballroom CD for Press Event
1 Industry Hills Parkway City of Industry, CA 91744
Phone: 626-810-4455

For RSVP or questions please contact Mei Mei Huff, Chairman, San Gabriel Valley Lincoln Club
phone: 909-815-7272 or email: ho918@aol.com

About Neel Kashkari: 尼爾的介紹

Neel Kashkari is an experienced, pragmatic leader who has successfully worked with Republicans and Democrats to tackle the most serious economic challenges America has faced in nearly a century.

Neel is best known for spearheading the country’s response to the 2008 financial crisis, but his interest in public policy and finding solutions to complex challenges began early in life.

A first-generation American, Neel grew up in a middle-class household where he witnessed firsthand how a good education can empower people and open the doors of opportunity. His parents emigrated from India to the United States some 50 years ago. Neel’s father taught engineering at a local college and dedicated his research to eradicating poverty in villages in India and Africa, earning the Presidential End Hunger Award from President George H.W. Bush. Neel’s mother worked at a community hospital treating patients battling cancer. While growing up outside the blue-collar city of Akron, Ohio, Neel bagged groceries, mowed lawns, and worked as an assistant at a local auto garage to earn extra money.
作為第一代美國人,尼爾成長在一個中產階級的家庭,他親眼目睹了良好的教育如何 為人們打開機會的大門。大約50年前,他的父母從印度移民美國。尼爾的父親在當地的院校裡教授工程,致力於用自己的研究消除印度和非洲鄉村的貧窮。因此獲得了喬治H W布什頒發的總統消除飢餓獎。尼爾的母親在一家社區醫院工作,幫助癌症病人。尼爾成長於藍領城市俄亥俄州的Akron外圍,為了賺取額外的錢,他曾經在食品店打包,剪草坪,並在當地的一個汽車修理廠擔當助理。

An early interest in math and science led Neel to earn bachelor’s and master’s degrees in engineering at the University of Illinois, where he led an 80-person student team to build a solar-powered car to compete in the 1,100-mile Sunrayce challenge. After graduating, Neel moved to California in 1998 and worked as a design engineer at TRW in Redondo Beach, developing technology for NASA space missions.
早期對於數學以及科學的興趣,讓尼爾在伊利諾伊斯大學獲得了工程學士和碩士學位。期間,他領導一個80人的學生團隊,建立了一輛太陽能汽車,去參加1100 英裡長度的Sunrayce挑戰賽。畢業以後,尼爾在1998年移居加利福利亞州,在Redondo Beach的TRW作設計工程師的工作,開發用於NASA的太空任務的技術。

Neel wanted to learn about entrepreneurship and job creation, so he went back to school and earned an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. After graduating in 2002, Neel returned to California to help Silicon Valley entrepreneurs raise capital to grow their companies and create jobs.

Neel’s interest in public policy and service took him to Washington, D.C. in 2006, when President George W. Bush appointed him to the Department of the Treasury. His initial work brought together experts from across the government and the private sector to craft policies to encourage alternative energy sources that would enhance both national security and environmental sustainability. When the housing downturn started, Neel led the Department’s work with non-profit organizations, congressional leaders, and financial institutions to help distressed homeowners avoid preventable foreclosures.

Neel was unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in 2008. As the financial crisis erupted, Neel negotiated with congressional leaders of both parties to write and pass landmark legislation to prevent a widespread economic collapse. The program he implemented not only has recouped all the money spent, but also has made a $13 billion profit for taxpayers to date. For his leadership, Neel received the Alexander Hamilton Award, the Department’s highest honor.

Following his work in Washington, Neel returned to California in 2009 to work for PIMCO, a company that helps teachers, firefighters, and other public employees save for their retirement. He left the firm in January 2013 to explore returning to public service. Since then, he has been traveling the state meeting with Californians to learn about the challenges facing families, communities and small businesses to determine how he can help give others the same opportunities America has given his family.

Neel currently resides in Orange County with his two Newfoundland dogs, Winslow and Newsome.
尼爾目前和他的兩只紐芬蘭犬,Winslow 和Newsome, 一起居住在橙縣。