Baby, you played magic

点点蓝珊瑚-100645  12/07   17688  

Baby, you played magic
By 点点

Baby, on your twentieth birthday
You played magic that worked
You didn't call, instead you texted
"I feel very much loved."
That line made my heart content
For I always need to be assured that
You are happy, healthy
and have friends to hug

Finally the next day at night
We'd got around to FaceTime
You looked very cute
Even with your nose ring
A tiny crescent moon with a bead
"It doesn't bother me anymore
I do actually like it, and it is true
As I told you before
You'd look good, with or without."
You showed me Polaroid pictures of your birthday party
You glowed and so did your friends
Your smile, your eyes
Shine in the shape of a crescent moon

I told you I got my glamour shots 
That I hadn't thought of doing
For the past twenty years,
not since my wedding day
That was when you said
"Mommy, I want to look like you, 
when I'm turning forty."
Oh honey pie, you played magic, once again
You are indeed a little woman
You smiled, so sweetly, like a crescent new moon