
CAPCNY/纽约代伟  10/24   5776  


The Orange Club



Our Mission Statement Our mission is to promote Chinese culture, support and serve the  local communities, and build bridges among Chinese Americans and all other  ethnic groups to strengthen the sense of community for our future generations.   Our focus is on education, community involvement, and services for immigrants  and local businesses.  Through community involvement and philanthropy, we aim to help Chinese Americans form a harmonious connection to the global community and cultivate future  leaders.

The Orange Club (TOC) – the pioneer Chinese-American Coalition focusing on increasing Chinese-Americans’ voice in California legislature – was founded in March of 2014 by proponents against SCA5. Our goal is simple: positively impact the Chinese-American community through policy development, community education, and active participation.

TOC accomplishes our mission by working to advocate core principles, defend cultural establishments, and promote the Chinese-American identity with collaborating legislative representatives throughout California.

What we do shall define the new generation Chinese Americans. We would like to invite all to watch us, to join us, to witness and to inspire. We are invaluable and equal part of a diverse population that deserves equal respect and protection under the Constitution. We shall neither condone nor accept discriminatory laws and practices. This shall be our one and only principle, and it echoes Mahatma Gandhi in his saying – “in matters of conscience, the law of the majority has no place”.

Get involved now and become part of a larger movement to fight for equality under Constitution


“Orange Wave” – The Battle Hymn of TOC Volunteers & Supporters

  加州橙县华人协会(The Orange Club)是一个无党派倾向的、无国家界限的、无宗教背景的华人非盈利民间团体。我们的宗旨是与橙县各个组织和团体以及相关部门紧密联络,相互沟通,最大限度地促进社区和谐,缩小文化差距;加强与橙县各商家商会联络,最大限度地促进交流,为华裔组织和个人提供全方位的帮助;协助新老华人居民了解美国文化,传统,政府,学校,社区,等等,特别是鼓励华人朋友支持、参与社区义工活动­;支持参与社区教育,慈善,文化交流等等活动,通过活动弘扬中华文化,东方文明,促进非华人对华人文化,历史,语言,文学和艺术的了解。

  华人协会下设橙县华人家长联合会,联合会完全采取自愿加入的方式,以服务橙县所有华人,华侨,学生,學生家長为目标的一个非盈利组织。 家长联合会主要是在学校,学生和学生家长之间搭起一座沟通的桥梁,及时向校方转达学生学生家长的诉求,建议和意见;及時向華人家長,學生傳達校方,學區的政策,指令; 与学校其他组织团体共同协作,支持学校 ,帮助家长;同时希望通过华人协会华人家长会的平台给我们华裔学子创造­­各种机会,丰富他们的社会活动经历,锻炼他们参政议政的主人翁意识,培养他们的领袖才能。 (编辑/整理:纽约代伟)
