4/8日Danville Mayor Newell 和16区选民见面会记录

牡丹燕菜-198  04/11   7899  

4月8日Danville 市长和16区部分选民见面会的会议记录:Danville 市长Newell 的父亲九岁时从克罗地亚移民来美,名字从Marco 改成Mike。所以Newell 是第二代移民,他深信每个人都应该努力才能通向成功。他的父亲是共和党,母亲是民主党,小时候父母没少吵架。他称自己是"moderate democrat", he wants to be independent.

Newell 在七十年代进入Berkeley 就读,他回忆说当时中国人在伯克莱加大的比例并不高。有趣的是他的第一志愿Cal Poly 并未录取他。Newell 在一九七六年拿到硕士学位并在伯克莱任敎两年。一九七八年Newell 成立了自己的公司,然后去伦敦工作四年,并曾在檀香山成立了办公室,之后返回美国本土组建家庭。他现在仍是AD Architech的CEO, 他经营了三十八年的建筑公司。

Newell 担任了五届Damville市长,
多年前Newell 接手的Danville 市是个烂摊子,上了全国的电视,FBI也在调查,当时银行可运转的资金也不多。今天在众多城市中,只有Danville和Lafayette这两个城市没有债务和Pension的负担。Newell 的成功在于注重提高效率,他的商业模型是contract our service, on no one's payroll, provide highest/efficient service. 例如,他曾经改革极大地缩短了申请permit 的时间, 他不明白为什么申请Permit 要花那么多时间?他强调应该take the success, set measurable matrix, set accountability standard.

他提倡技术的革新,他谈到目前的乳腺X光片(mammogram)有百分之四十四的机率会miss. 现在正在研发一项新的技术,花上两美抽取你的一滴血测试,精确率高达百分之九十二。这个项目正在国外进行clinical trial.

他强调:Innovation stays here.

Newell 是最先几个公开反对SCA5的民主党候选人之一,他谈到在二月底和三月初的时候他去找过十六区众议员的Joan Buchanan 和邻近14区众议员 Susan Bonilla, 劝说她们反对SCA5. 他对她们说SCA5受害的group 是女性,然后是亚裔。因为现在的大学里女生占60%,男生只占40%, 如果使用quota, 录取50% man and 50%woman,那么女性会受到不公平的待遇。SCA5还会deny 2/3的亚裔入学,quota system is unethical.

Newell 指出SCA5是anti community. 简直就是 undo the right from wrong.
他类比道"Don't give me penicillin when I have a headache。Give me Tylenol" . 他认为"We should build more capacity in colleges". 他坚信一切应该公平,不应该拿某个族裔说事儿。

Newell谈到在过去二十四年中UC只增加了一个学校就是UC Merced. 加州人囗从1965年到现在增加了18 Million, 为什么不增加campus 让孩子们都入大学?例如三谷地区就很适合建campus. 如果当选他的第一个bill 将是关于Kids 的,他在这次会议中多次repeat "Our Kids first"!

有朋友问Newell 怎样解决自己既是业主又是市长而可能带来的矛盾。Newell 说他从不在San Ramon Valley 开展自己个人的业务,除非是volunteer work.

Newell 总结说自己是个prudent business person,smart enough to know how to run business。他还提到他不愿意从Sacrememto 拿钱助选,因为拿了那钱就要committed to the special interest group. 他称:I know my neighbour and I want to represent the people of the district. I care about people, I care about you and your children". 他鼓励大家stay involved and get things resolved.

以下是另一位同学Alicia的笔记:Meeting with Danville Major Newell Arnerich

April 8, 2014, 7:00PM – 8:00PM

Red Dragonfly Learning Center
6640 Owens Drive
Pleasanton, CA 94588

Some notes:
(1) From an immigrant family, with a Republic father and a Democratic mother.
(2) A business owner, a Democratic sounds like a Republican
(3) Slogan: Kids first
(4) Comments on SCA-5:
a. Quota by race is unfair. All kids should be fair opportunity, regardless of whom you are or where you are from.
b. Most of the students in UC system are either from foreign countries or from out of state because of state budget cut on education.
c. We should build more colleges to enroll more students.
(5) Achievements: Managed Danville City with financial success (zero debt) by contracting the services for the city, a cost effective fee-for-service model. Recommended the same fee-for-service model for some state-level work for cost efficiency.