围炉夜话 (6)

anonymous-633  04/04   7580  

3/31号那天,Chuck Page 忽然出现在反SCA5的28群里,大家都不相信是真的。他确认是他本人后,由LY主导,和Chuck在28群里像朋友一样聊了一个晚上。对话相当精彩!


大家可以看出,Chuck是一个非常有智慧,愿意去面对问题,解决问题,很温和共和党人。他现在正在为他的选举筹款(离目标还有点远),如果看完他的采访,你喜欢他,请捐出一点钱来支持他,帮帮他,帮他实现他的梦想 --- 在第一阶段,成功胜出加州28区众议员的初选。其实,帮他就是帮助我们自己,帮助加州成为政治生态更平衡的地方,更能凸显民主的真谛。



Section 6: Discussion about Affirmative Action, Union.

In the 80's & 90's, I was a manager at IBM and Microsoft. We had affirmative action plans at IBM because people of color had not been provided the same management & promotion opportunities as whites may have been. So the company tracked it. And you know what? IBM was a better company when we had a more diverse management team. The same thing does not apply as relates to education. I will never vote to enable discrimination in our public schools.

Did anyone see the Cesar Chavez movie? I encourage you to. I'm sure that there was as much suffering by Asian people who built US transcontinental railroad, but no one organized them to get fair pay.

I'm no cultural expert but the Asians and Latinos that I know share some very same values - hard working is essential to success, strong family values and take a lot of pride - in a good way - for achievements & accomplishments.

Latino farm workers were organized in bargaining with the grape growers so they could get decent wages. United Farm Workers union was created. I know the RR was built by smaller numbers, but pain and suffering occurred

There have been times in America and other places where collective bargaining and unions made sense. I have very different feelings about govt unions, but that is a lengthy discussion. Maybe another day.