
李春燕-1142  10/03   26652  

注:最近,世界著名的“经济学人”期刊登载了一篇关于在美国的亚裔在各领域(升学、就业等)遭到歧视的报道文章,作者是该期刊的副主编,专门从伦敦飞来纽约、新泽西进行大量采访。这也是这样重量级的媒体少有的没有采用敌意而是基本中立的报道。此文刊出引起巨大反响(两天内超过一万五likes on Facebook http://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21669595-asian-americans-are-united-states-most-successful-minority-they-are-complaining-ever)。下面是二代反应,真情和实力跃然纸上,语言铿锵有力,逻辑丝丝入扣,数据信手拈来。小鱼女士读完后深受感动,速译成中文。我们听听二代振聋发聩的声音。

我曾以为,美国亚裔抱怨玻璃天花板是在浪费时间。但是,正如你所见到的,非裔美国人在过去两个世纪里对玻璃天花板持之不懈抱怨的结果就是,他们的后代正在享用以我们(亚裔)的牺牲和付出为代价的甘美成果。该文引用了犹太人作为参考。 可是,我们是否能够“打败”犹太人无关紧要。这件事,和能否战胜任何其他少数族裔都毫无关系。这关系到我们(亚裔)自己的声音能否在一个民主社会里被倾听。而在一个民主的社会里,想要被听到,发出自己的声音才是唯一之道。

该文所谈无关乎第一代移民。的确,父母辈们, 你们早已通过克服各种超常的困难取得令人难以置信的成功了。可是,这(篇文章)是关乎我们这一代的。 我们的父辈比任何别的族裔要更努力,付出更多的艰辛,但这绝对不是我们也要付出超常艰辛的理由。你们的确已经在商贸等领域取得了令人刮目相看的成就,可是,政界呢?数一数,参议院里有多少位亚裔?我们当中又有多少人走出来,参与过国家的税务和选举方面议题的讨论?亚裔在美国的各新闻媒体上迄今为止走了又有多远?有多少流行歌手是亚裔?主力运动员里又有多少是亚裔我们的声音一直未被倾听到绝非偶然,盖因你们一直只在致力于打破商界的障碍而已。我们这一代面临多得难以言诉的挑战---如果,我们真的是美国人,那么,为何我们的肤色极少或从未在电视上展现过—---而且,即使偶有露面,为何也总是以“书呆子”的刻板形象出现?
我曾记得有人说过:“如果每一位亚裔美国人都离开自己在华尔街的办公室,仅仅一天,美国的经济就将瘫痪。” 没错。但是,我们迄今为止还依然在原地踏步、袖手旁观。我想说的是,这样的文章(指“经济学人报”最近刊载的关于亚裔不再愿意忍受歧视的撰文报道)是绝对有必要的。这些揭示真相和警醒世人的文章迈出了关键的第一步。这样的文章,对于唤醒我们这一代尚未意识到自己所处劣势的年轻人来说,绝对必要。而且,对于唤起大众对此问题的重视也功不可没

【Written by CJ】
I once thought it's a waste of time to complain about glass ceiling. But as you can see, African Americans have complained at a glass ceiling for the past two centuries and their children are reaping the benefits that have been gained at our expense. This article notes the Jews as a reference point. It doesn't matter if we "beat" the Jews.  This is not about "beating" any minority.  This is about being heard in a democracy. And the only way to be heard in a democracy is to have a voice.  Do I think this is the most effective way to solve the problem?  No, but our government has never used the most effective way to solve a problem. The beauty of this land is that things can change, but that will never happen if Asian Americans stay hardworking and silent. 

This article is NOT about first generation immigrants. Yes the first generation has been unbelievably successful against incredible odds. This is about my generation.  There is no reason why we have to work harder than anyone else because our parents worked harder than anyone else.  The parents generation has made leaps and bounds in the business world but what about the political world?  How many Asians are there in the senate?  How many of us are present in discussions about taxation, about elections?  Very few. How about media?  How far have Asian Americans gone in the media?  How many pop stars are Asian American?  How many news anchors are Asian American?  It's not a coincidence our voice is not heard in public because you guys have only broken barriers in the business world. Our generation faces a world of problems - if we are truly American, then why does our skin color never appear on TV - and if it does why are we always portrayed as "nerds"?  

"All men are created equal and are endowed by their creator certain unalienable rights..." states the opening of the Declaration of Independence. Chinese Americans that immigrated to California, built the nation's railways on their blood and lives, were not allowed to become citizens by law. China is the only country ever that the USA banned immigration in the past. Japanese Americans were placed into camps because of their skin color and Japanese Americans in the U.S. army were used as front line human shields to block enemy ammunition. America should not be proud for a moment, or pretend for a single second, that it has not discriminated against Asian Americans or that it is ok to discriminate against Asian americans. Fair college admissions, job offers, etc. MUST become a birthright for every American. It is something that defines our liberty, opportunity, and freedom in this country. Why did I finally voice my opinion on this matter?  Because I've seen that this country is capable of change. Because I see hope in the future. But it's a small flame that needs to be nursed and nurtured.  It needs support. It needs to rally every single Asian American who has ever wondered why they don't fit in and we need to say it together. 

I remember someone once said "if every Asian American walked out on Wall Street just for one day, the American economy will collapse". Yes. But we have not made the movement. These articles are necessary. These articles that muckrake and whistleblow are the essential first steps.  They're necessary to wake up the children in my generation who don't know how much they are at a disadvantage. And they are necessary to bring public attention to this issue.

我所看到的是我们这一代的挣扎。我们要用的是American way来挣回原本该属于我们的自由和权利。但是光“believe”是不够的。

读了经济学人的文章,很有感触。这是我在讨论中的一段话:从美国建国Asian Americans 就work very hard至今。我们没有看到所期待的glass ceiling being naturally broken. 这位名记者写出这篇有分量的文章是多少1st, 2nd generations 华裔振臂呐喊催生的,我们需要勤奋,更需要入乡随俗,让我们的声音被听到✊ 我们能做的是有钱的出钱,有力的出力[Fist]。”



转:“哈佛申诉的春燕教授转发一位二代的心声。我深知我力量有限, 但我希望当我的孩子有一天与我有这样的对话的时候, 我可以问心无愧地说一句: 孩子, 妈妈尽力了。我用尽全力, 我从未停下脚步, 我做了我该做的和我能做的。我希望我的孩子对我说: I'm proud of you. ”

转欧阳了寒:“作者的见识和勇气值得我们所有的父母学习! 我相信经过我们一代又一代的努力 ,亚裔在美国的政治经济文化以及其他领域的影响一定会越来越强大 !”

转群友在Economist article 下面的留言“我在经济学人那篇文章上发了这个comment,希望多一些人去发表意见,表示我们重视。好不容易有这么一篇支持我们的主流文章。Some people fail to grasp the implications of unfair admissions for Asian-Americans.  It is not about an Ivy degree only, it is more about the Career and social status in the future. The undeniable bamboo ceiling in careers has already blocked most Asian-Americans from moving up to realize their most potentials, (well, this happens to be a reason Ivies rejected most middle class Asian-Americans because their hope to become a big donor is slim) Ivies are regarded as the last straw to give a leg to the careers, as many companies have publicly admitted that they hire based on schools which they believe have selected the students for them.  The consideration of disadvantaged socioeconomic students should definitely be encouraged, but Racial quotas?  Explicit or implicit, it will hurt not only the Asian Americans, but the whole country, for the principal underneath will eventually backfire to races that are currently benefit from it.  ”