
anonymous-114  04/04   4196  

这里要赞一下美国的教育。小孩从小就知道要contribute to society,长大后无论挣的 钱多钱少,都会给慈善捐款。这次Zuckerberg从30亿股权里捐了10亿出去,这还不算以 前陆陆续续捐的。两口子虽然富有却没有穷奢极侈,没有豪华游艇之类的富人玩具。中 国人或者华人的富豪里做慈善的也有,但是还是太少了。大多是有了钱就做土豪,然后 想着怎么让后代继续富贵下去……


Despite $3 billion haul, Zuckerberg avoids toys of the super rich

“ Facebook (FB) CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, may be among the richest people on the planet but at least (so far) they’ve stayed away from buying mega yachts, desert islands and other trappings of the ultra rich.

According to a Facebook filing this week, Zuckerberg pulled the trigger on some 60 million shares worth of options at the end of last year, netting a profit of about $3.3 billion. He immediately turned around and sold more than 41 million shares while turning over 18 million, worth almost $1 billion at the time, to his favorite charity, the Silicon Valley Community Foundation.

Back in 2010, Zuckerberg promised to give away half or more of his wealth when he signed the Giving Pledge, an effort by fellow billionaires Bill Gates and Warren Buffett to get the 1% more active in philanthropy

By cohcoh (cohcoh)