
联邦大选  08/18   8591  

Illicit drugs destroy lives. They rob young people of their futures. They tear families apart, make our streets less safe, and lay waste to our communities.

We announced that we will continue to build on the National Anti-Drug Strategy we started in 2006.

We will support a national toll-free helpline for parents who are concerned about their kids; increase funding for the RCMP’s Clandestine Laboratory team to target producers of illegal drugs, including grow ops and meth labs; and we will renew the mandate of the Mental Health Commission of Canada, focusing on the strong links between substance abuse and mental health.

While other leaders hold misguided, dangerous policies on drug use, our Party has a different view. Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair would repeal our Respect For Communities Act which requires consultations with law enforcement, families and communities before drug injection sites can be considered in local neighbourhoods. Both Justin and Thomas Mulcair call for the creation of more drug injection sites in neighbourhoods across Canada.

Unlike the other parties, the Harper Conservatives will continue to combat any growth in use of illegal drugs by our children and in our neighbourhoods.

We will oppose dangerous, misguided policies that would condone or expand the use of illegal drugs and maintain addictions under the guise of “treatment”.

We will consult and listen to families and residents whenever there is a proposal to open a drug injection site in local communities.

We will do what’s right to protect Canadians and keep our families and children safe.