A letter to our Asian American coworkers

anonymous-114  03/15   4766  

SDAAFE drafted a letter to introduce SCA5 to our Asian American coworkers and friends. Can you please copy and paste the letter and email them to your trusted coworkers? https://www.dropbox.com/s/mt2a1zv9dsik1lk/SCA5%20Intro%20Email.docx

Dear friend,
1/30/2014 marked one of the darkest days in California’s recent history of politics. On this day, the California Senate, controlled by the Democratic supermajority, approved Senate Constitution Amendment No. 5 (SCA 5), which would repeal provisions of Prop 209 and allow the State of California to deny an individual or group's rights to public education on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin.
SCA5 will UNFAIRLY roll back the clock to discriminate a student simply based on her/his race. If it succeeds, what will be next in its supporters’ minds to be removed between other two areas (public employment and public contracting) in Prop. 209? The 14th Amendment of the US Constitution clearly states that no state shall deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of its laws. The SCA 5 is racist and in violation of the US Constitution. Details re: why it’s unconstitutional: http://no2sca5.org/
Xudong Sun, president of American Anhui Association of Scholars and Students, said right now at the University of California and state universities, Asian students account for 36 percent, but Bill SCA-5 would restrict Asians to 13 percent. He said under-represented minority groups, like African Americans and Hispanics need protection, but such protection should not be made at the expense of Asian Americans.
What You Can Do to STOP it:
This bill is currently in California’s Assembly Floor. If it passes, it will appear on the November ballot. We would like to urge our Assembly members to oppose the bill, so this racist bill can stop at the Assembly floor. A team of San Diegans are meeting with local officials in next few weeks and we would need your supports.
Please help us to fill out a petition drive in the following link. Your supports will empower us in our conversation with the local legislators. Please FORWARD this email to your friends, co-workers and ask them to oppose this bill.
Currently, there are THREE petitions on the Internet, please sign all THREE petitions:
1. San Diego Petition(for San Diego residents):
2. CA State petition:
3. White House Petition:
In addition, please visit, email, snail-mail and/or telephone the Assembly representatives of your district and ask him/her to vote NO on SCA-5. You can find your Assembly representatives by inputting your address on the website below. http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/; then click on the Contact link to send a message. Your message can be as simple as “Please vote “NO” on SCA5!” or you can provide an explanation.
Xiaodong Zhang
San Diego Asian American for Equality