To SFLTTC 三藩市羅頓乒乓球會 members and friends,

Karen-695  06/03   7871  

三藩市羅頓乒乓球會會和爱好乒乓球的朋友 大家好!
        讓我們在此再次澄清和聲明:在三藩市灣區只有一個,并且是唯独的一個三藩市羅頓乒乓球會(SFLTTC),  並且是免費歡迎所有有興趣之乒乓球爱好者参加的。SFLTTC球會會長和委員會的工作人員都是以一的選舉方式,通過一人一票公投票選舉,以最高票數者當選的。    (请参阅附件,20151月之“三藩市羅頓乒乓球會董事會的嚴正聲明”)

三藩市羅頓乒乓球會(SFLTTC) 自成立至今已經18年了。一直以来,球會運作如常。感謝所有會員和義務的工作人員多年来的共同努力和付出,使球會成為一個在灣區有知名度的球會。無論是在過去,現在,或是將來都是球會會員和乒乓球愛好者打球,鍛煉身體的好地方,也是大家有份的球會,并不是由個人和個別贊助商/跟随者所拥有的。

而最近,有投诉,Lee Kuang 與幾個人打住三藩市羅頓乒乓球會(SFLTTC) 的名,在球會公共场所,不斷要求他人和SFLTTC會員缴交會費,可是交/捐款的支票却又不能写給羅頓球會(SFLTTC) 的名下,甚令人解。 请大家注意,这只是 Lee Kuang 自立的團體的做法,不能代表也没有權力代表本球會SFLTTC收取任何的费用如热心人士要助捐款給三藩市羅頓乒乓球會(SFLTTC) 的话,请切记支票抬頭务必要写給:“SFLTTC”。不要被誤導和蒙蔽。否,大家所助給羅頓球會的捐款又會不知去向了!
          相信有不少球會會员知道,在過去 Lee Kuang 当任會長的四年间,不曾有向球會和财政部門提交過收入和支出的详细款项数据报告 并且说从未有收過2011 2012两年的會費。所以,四年间 Lee Kuang 所代表本球會收的助捐款究竟具体是多少,又何去何从,我们都无法得知。更请大家要注意的是,这次,Lee Kuang 提出:“捐款的支票抬頭不要 (SFLTTC) ”.  Lee Kuang希望支票給谁呢? 这是一个严肃的重大题!
        从这我們明白并清楚看到,近年来Lee Kuang的处事态度和办事方式,要推翻和反對貫徹本球會一貫以来的方针政策,并擅自更換/更改議程和一人一票的選舉制度,奉行「我是會長我说了算」政策,并在过去四年间代表SFLTTC球會所收到的會費和捐款一直至今都未全数交给球會,等等不可思议的对SFLTTC球會带来負面影響的谣言行為,都令人聯想到Lee Kuang是否早有计要自组以其为决策人的另一个俱樂部。当然,人各有志,既然Lee Kuang 堅稱另組與去意強硬,虽已尽力挽留,但我們尊重和不阻止 Lee Kuang他自组團隊/俱樂部的權利。唯独是,Lee Kuang 的新團隊/俱樂部,不能侵用《三藩市羅頓乒乓球會》之名。再者,請不要再打住三藩市羅頓乒乓球會(SFLTTC) 的名,要求他人和SFLTTC會員缴交會費及捐款。而Lee Kuang 可用自己新俱樂部的新名去做他想要做的东西,三藩市羅頓乒乓球會(SFLTTC) 無關。懇請Lee Kuang與他人停止散佈任何破和影響SFLTTC正常运作的謠言。最后,我們,三藩市羅頓乒乓球會(SFLTTC)保留追查清 Lee Kuang 2011 - 2014年当任會長期间,滥用職權,插手政部門運作,而至今尚未向球會交出的未报給球會的所有曾代表球會所收的會和捐款数据账目的權利。
另外,Wai Ming Lam(阿明)只是SFLTTC 政部門/银行帳戶的負责管理者之一。他個人並沒有權力代表球會把球會金移交給任何他人。而至于最近谣傳的“银行賬户移交 ”之談純屬謠言,不可信!

To San Francisco Lawton Table Tennis Club (SFLTTC)members and friends,
Lately, there have been words going around from Lee Kuang’s gangs asking for SFLTTC membership fee.  Let us make this straight: there is one and the only one SFLTTC and is free to all interested players.  The chairman and all committee staffs of SFLTTC are elected by populous votes.
 (please see attachment, Dated 01/23/2015: “ Board of San Francisco Lawton Table Tennis Club Statement ” )

Anyone asking for membership fee for SFLTTC can not be representative of SFLTTC.
We understand and fully aware of that Lee is determined in forming his own club.  We respect his decision and shouldn't deny anyone's rights to form their own group/club away from SFLTTC. However, please use another club name and stop spreading rumors about SFLTTC.  The displayed tactics and behaviors of those rumors reflected poorly and has negative impacts to SFLTTC.  We reserve the right to follow up on what happened to the "unclear funds" during Lee's Administration from 2011-2014.
There had not been accounted for of incomes and expenses for the past four years from Lee Kuangs administration.
SFLTTC has been in existence for over 18 years and is to be an on going concern for years to come, thanks to the concerted efforts of all dedicated members and officers. SFLTTC will continue to be a club for table tennis enthusiasts, and not for a few of sponsors and their cronies.
Wai Ming Lam is one of the financial caretakers of SFLTTC account. He alone does not have the authority to transfer any money to anyone. Any talk of account transfer is pure rumor.  
United we stand !!!
SFLTTC  三藩市羅頓乒乓球會 委員會
San Francisco Lawton Table Tennis Club Committee