4月16日, 一場演說,千年回顧 – 猶太人在中國

Jerry Lo-2895  04/10   12635  

一场演講, 千年回顾——

两个古老的民族, 都曾经历敌人的大屠杀, 而现今的犹裔是如何的面对这段历史?
为了增加了解与促進和谐, Great Neck Chinese Association (GNCA) 和Temple of Beth-El 诚挚的邀请你, 来参加这场来自中国的学者, 在大颈镇上史无前例的演講.
时间: 4 月16 日晚上 7:30
地点: Temple of Beth-El Great Neck,
5 Old Mill Road
, Great Neck, NY 11023
主講人: 徐新教授

徐新教授畢生致力于犹太族裔的研究。他在1988 年從一个研究项目开始扩展到在南京大学成立研究犹太族裔的一个机构。
他发表了很多的文章 以及一本三百页的中文犹太百科全书。他还写了好几本书,包括“犹太人在中国开封:历史,文化与宗教”以及“Anti-Semitism: How and Why".
在1996 和1998 年, 他是哈佛大学犹太研究中心的访问学者。在2002 年获得以色列大学荣誉博士学位,以表扬他对犹太族裔在中国所做的重要研究。


Jews in China--Now and Then
by Professor Xin Xu
To promote understanding and harmony within our communities, Temple of Beth-El has joined Great Neck Chinese Association to sponsor this unique speech.
Professor Xin Xu, a scholar who has devoted his professional life to Jewish studies. He started a program of Judaic studies in China in 1988 which has become the Institute of Jewish Studies at Nanking University.
He has written numerous articles on Judaic topics and a 300-page Encyclopedia Judaica in Chinese. He has also written several books including "The Jews of Kaifang, China: History, Culture and Religion"
and "Anti-Semitism: How and Why".
In 1996 and 1998, he was a visiting scholar at the Center for Jewish Studies of Harvard University. In 2002, Bar-IIan University's Board of Trustees and Senate in Israel awarded him the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Honoris Causa in recognition of the extremely important work he has done on research of the Jewish people in China.
Date: Thursday, April 16
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: The Temple of Beth-El
Great Neck
Address: 5 Old Mill Road,
Great Neck, NY 11023

Please register the event through the following link. Thank you.
