各位: 明天和平之音继续排练黄河大合唱。明晚主要练《黄河船夫曲》,《在太行山上》,希望能预习。另外, 《保卫黄河》,《旗正飘飘》也希望能复习。...

user3241-3241  03/18   7786  


明天和平之音继续排练黄河大合唱。明晚主要练《黄河船夫曲》,《在太行山上》,希望能预习。另外, 《保卫黄河》,《旗正飘飘》也希望能复习。

最近,丁老师在微信里发了很多歌的相关MP3,大家根据自己的需要下载,对照歌谱帮助自己练习。 没有微信的朋友可以根据邮箱提供的MIDI去找资料。




Tomorrow (3/18) Voice of peace (VOP) continues to practice Yellow River cantata. The major practice topics are "黄河船夫曲" and "在太行山上", I hope you guys can preview. In addition, please also want to review "保卫黄河", "旗正飘飘" as well .

Recently, Conductor Ding made a lot of the relevant MP3 music in the WeChat groups, everyone can download based on your own needs for practice. For those people who has no wechat can go to your email box to find MIDI files.

In order to ensure the the Yellow River practice can be continuously process as we planned, please bring your anual membership fee, or the practice fee if you are not going to be a member of VOP. Both fees are $ 60 per person, cash and check are acceptable for Jin Kai.
Thank you.


唱歌时间: 7:30-9:30PM.
活动地点: Prince of Peace Church. 38451 Fremont Blvd, Fremont, CA 94536
靠近 Preschool 的小Parking lot, 若你把车停在了大Parking lot, 你须从Building之间的小道穿过,在有彩色玻璃门的 room 里.