谢谢朋友们对纯如的关心 - 张盈盈

转自张盈盈  03/29   15566  

Today is Iris's 47th birthday. Shau-Jin and I and several friends went to the Gate of Heaven and put flowers at her side. Just let her know we remember her. Again, we saw a bundle of purple iris had already there at her grave as the previous years on her birthday. I like to thank this kind anonymous person for remembering Iris each year on her birthday. Today is also very special: a guest and an admirer of Iris came from China specifically to see us. We brought him to visit Iris's grave and he paid his respect.
Also, thank you, Cinian, you never forget Iris's birthday. Thank you for the beautiful and delicate dendrobium orchids you sent to Iris. They are magnificent and the color of the orchids is Iris's favorite color!


謝謝你送純如的花圈!我們很感動!我們應該請你吃飯的,結果被你的朋友搶先請了。真不好意思。我已將幾張在墓園照的相片貼在 Facebook 上了。你可以在我Facebook 看到。我的英文名字是Ying-Ying Chang, 在Facebook 上可以看到。祝福你一路順風!再連絡。