百老汇经典音乐剧「歌剧院魅影」歌曲「All I Ask Of You/别无他求」

轻羽飞飞-1458  02/13   10174  

百老汇经典音乐剧「歌剧院魅影」中的男女对唱歌曲「All I Ask Of You/别无他求」。男女主人公对爱的真情对白,深情隽永。一辈子有过这样的爱情,此生无憾!


No more talk of darkness, 不再谈论黑暗;

Forget these wide-eyed fears. 忘记这些让人瞪大眼睛的恐惧;

I'm here, nothing can harm you 我在这儿,不会伤害到你;

My words will warm and calm you我的话语将会让你温暖镇定;

Let me be your freedom让我成为你的自由之神;

Let daylight dry your tears让日光风干你的眼泪;

I'm here, with you, beside you我在这儿,跟你一起,在你身边;

To guard you and to guide you. 守护着你指引着你;

Say you love me every waking moment说你爱我在每一个睁开眼的清晨;

Turn my head with talk of summertime转过头跟夏天聊聊天;

Say you need me with you, now and always说你需要我,现在和未来;Promise me that all you say is true答应我你所说的都是真的;

That's all I ask of you这是我对你所有的要求。


Let me be your shelter让我成为你的避风港;

Let me be your light让我成为你的航向灯;

You're safe. No one will find you你是安全的,没有人会发现你;

Your fears are far behind you恐惧远离你;


All I want is freedom我所想要的一切就是自由;

A world with no more night一个没有黑夜的世界;

And you, always beside me而你,一直在我身边;

To hold me and to hide me拥抱我保护我;


Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime然后说你将和我分享你一个人的爱,用尽一生;

Let me lead you from your solitude让我领你从你的独居处出来;

Say you need me with you here, beside you说你需要我与你相伴,伴你身旁;

Anywhere you go, let me go too无论你去哪儿,都让我一起去吧; Christine, that's all I ask of you. 克莉丝汀,这是我对你所要的全部;

Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime说你将和我分享你一个人的爱,用尽一生;


轻羽飞飞-1458  02/13