2-11 Last Chance to fight for our right of breathing harmless Air! Permit Is Not a Product That Can Be Purchased!
Jennifer-1157 02/01 809724.5/15
Hi, All
Please sign up for the Feb 11th Rally and Public Hearing at
Lisa has found a mega bus for us to SJ city hall on Feb 11. It has 56 seats at fee of $4 per person including tips. If you want to take a bus, please email me at jenniferstrohfus@gmail.com. We need to decide to rent one or two or more buses, depending on how many people sign up for it. Sorry for the short notice!
Bus Pick up address: 25 N Milpitas Blvd, Milpitas( Marina Grocery Store at cross street of Milpitas City hall )
Bus Pick up time: 5PM-5:15PM Feb 11, 2015
Bus return time: 8:30-8:45PM
Speakers and all support people,
Please sign up for the Feb 11th Rally and Public Hearing at
WE need you to sign up, organize what to say, how to convey our messages and discuss with your group members to draft the speech, and to choose your group speakers. We have a very short time to prepare. Please take action ASAP! Sign up, divide into small groups, and talk with your group members.
Suggested topics, but not limited:
1. Commissioners, please make your legacy by voting NO on the expansion
2. Fix the permitting system first! Before the permitting system gives jurisdiction to all harmful dump air victim constituents, the expansion permit shouldn't be granted.
3. Expanding the landfill is not a wise solution, but reducing garbage generation to less or zero is the right direction
4. Newby landfill, a public nuisance shouldn't be rewarded with an expansion
5. Landfill is a public health hazard; it was proved by 38 other landfills
5. Dump site's alternatives: garbage dump should not locate or expand a dump in a heavily populated area
6. Breathing harmless air is a basic human right. People living around the dump are human as all others.
7. Voice of San Jose residents and families
8: Voice of Fremont residents
9. Voice of organizations around the dump
10. Voice from elders
11. Voice from children
12. Voice from Milpitas families
13. Any other topics and free speakers 1-2minutes
Public Nuisance Victims
Newby Landfill, in just one month period, got 764 odor complaints, 26 confirmed odor complaints which the BAAQMD has identified the odor source from the Newby Landfill, and has issued TWO public nuisance tickets. It is an objective official judgement that Newby Landfill is a public nuisance. This dump should not be rewarded a expansion permit to operate another 30 years or more under the condition of being a public nuisance. We, the people of Milpitas, Fremont, San Jose, and Santa Clara will not tolerate the City of San Jose depriving our right of breathing unharmful air!
Newby Landfill is built up on and next to the wetland which is restricted by Federal regulation under the reason to protect underground water pollution and prevent creating environmental hazards to human beings and other species’ lives and health. Sitting on the wetland, Newby landfill should never have been built. How dare those government agencies simply ignore it and give a permit to expand the landfill?
For those who vote YES on the expansion, then we, the people of Milpitas, Fremont, San Jose, and Santa Clara will bring them to justice and keep the record of their votes in the history of California! Meanwhile, if any of them vote NO on the expansion, we, the people of Milpitas, Fremont, San Jose, and Santa Clara will donate money to make his/her statue in order to let them to be remembered by the people and history!
Newby Landfill public nuisance victims, Feb 11th is our last chance to stop the monster expansion. Please mark your calendar and be there in front of San Jose City Hall for yourself and your future generations!
Take a day off, bring your kids with you, put your business aside for a day, let us all go there to protest the government decision makers that will vote for the expansion and decide thousands and millions of people's fate for another 30 years! Let us to go there to see if those government officials care more about us, the people or Newby dump garbage!
Date: Feb 11th, 2015
Time: 5:30-630PM protest
6:00-6:30 meet with media
6:30 -8:30PM public hearing
Venue: 200 E Santa Clara St., San Jose, Ca
Please put your messages on cardboard
Snacks and Masks will be provided
Parking: San Jose city hall underground parking lots is free for people attending the public hearing.
4th Street Garage
44 S. Fourth St. and San Fernando
Across from the Library
Open 24 hours
Cost: $1.00 every 20 minutes, $20 max
$5.00 after 6:00 p.m., weekdays
$5.00 all day weekends, holidays
44 S. Fourth St. and San Fernando
Across from the Library
Open 24 hours
Cost: $1.00 every 20 minutes, $20 max
$5.00 after 6:00 p.m., weekdays
$5.00 all day weekends, holidays
City Hall Garage
200 E. Santa Clara Street and 6th Street
Note: because of the parking issue, the majority of us should consider to take light rail to San Jose Downtown.($2 fee off at santa clara stop and 7 minutes walk to city hall)
VTA Service - Bus and Light Rail
For more information and schedules call (408) 321-2300 or visit Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
Light rail service is available to Santa Clara and First / Second Streets
Bus Lines: 22, 63, 64, 65, 73, 81, 522
200 E. Santa Clara Street and 6th Street
Note: because of the parking issue, the majority of us should consider to take light rail to San Jose Downtown.($2 fee off at santa clara stop and 7 minutes walk to city hall)
VTA Service - Bus and Light Rail
For more information and schedules call (408) 321-2300 or visit Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
Light rail service is available to Santa Clara and First / Second Streets
Bus Lines: 22, 63, 64, 65, 73, 81, 522
已有344 人响应:
344.  Chen
343.  Guo
342.  wang
341.  Xu
340.  lee
339.  Puri
338.  wang
337.  wang
336.  Adari
335.  xue
334.  Wu
333.  Xu
332.  Angrish
331.  Chi
330.  zhu
329.  Wang
328.  Wu
327.  Luu
326.  hou
325.  La