Today's Bystanders, Tomorrow's Victims! Let's Go Say No to the Dump Expansion!              --Please sign up to protest City of San Jose permitting the dump expansion

Jennifer-1157  01/03   121274  

Are We Powerless ? Today's Bystanders, Tomorrow's Victims!
Please protest on 1/14 @5pm

On December 10th, 2014, the San Jose planning commission hosted a public hearing. Over 100 residents of Milpitas, Fremont, and San Jose attended the public hearing.  

No one supported the landfill’s expansion plan except the landfill owner’s representatives. Commissioner, Dori Yob didn’t cast  her vote, because of conflicts of interest. Among 5 commissioners, only Kamkar heard what the landfill expansion’s dissenters said in the public hearing, but unfortunately, he has stepped down.

Dori Yob, who has a law firm that represents the landfill owner, will be the new chairwoman of San Jose city planning committee (to be confirmed).  Therefore it will be unknown if when voting for landfill owner’s expansion permit again behind doors, will she still recuse or will her vote be counted? 

I can’t explain why the city of San Jose planning commission hosted a public hearing on repealing the landfill expansion on Dec 10th, meanwhile sending an application to attain state level permit for Republic Services before Dec 9th, 2014. After learned that Dori Yob has a law firm that represents Republic Services, all the dots of the whole picture were coming together.
If we, the dump odor victims had money to hire all San Jose commissioners as our representatives, it is no doubt that Republic services wouldn't get any permit ever! Are the victims of the dump odor powerless because we can't afford to hire the dump's decision makers?

Enough is enough!  We don’t want to take it anymore! The odor from the dump is so strong and so often that there are no holiday breaks-we smell it on Thanksgiving day, Christmas Eve and Christmas day, New Year Eve and New Year day.

With the current dump size and height, the wind blows the odor to everywhere in Milpitas, some of North San Jose, Santa Clara, and South Fremont; with the increased volume and height, the wind can blow much farther and reach downtown San Jose, the place where city government officials work and residents live. Commissioners, please save us, our kids, including you, the dump expansion permit decision makers, from the noxious odor and vote No on the expansion permit.

Please sign up for protesting. Let's go say no to the dump expansion and to prove people have power in this democratic country! 

The protest date is determined. It will be on Jan 14th and 28th. 5:00pm protesting, 5:30pm meet with media, 6:30 pm attend the planning committee meeting and prepare 3 minutes speech. Venue: San Jose City Hall
Free parking is available in city hall building.  
If you need a ride, please come to Milpitas grocery outlet store and email me if you need a ride or can give a ride.  or call Jennifer @408-636-8954

已有601 人响应:
601.  Chen
600.  N
599.  zhang
598.  Huang
597.  Yao
596.  mehta
595.  Griesmeier
594.  patel
593.  wong
592.  Wang
591.  CHEN
590.  Grigorescu
589.  Lu
588.  Dwivedi
587.  liou
586.  HO
585.  Mishra
584.  LIU
583.  Teng
582.  Pei