Purpose and Historical Mission 宗旨和历史使命

大俠(阿袁)-1982  10/17   13975  

Purpose and Historical Mission 宗旨和历史使命

The International Cultures & Arts Promotion Society, Inc. (USA) is called ICAPSINC for short. Use the platform of promoting cultural exchanges between various countries in the world, and then promoting the extensive and friendly contact of stage construction in social economy to keep the strategic cooperation with the effective actual relation for the development of social economy. The ultimate aim of the ICAPSINC is to realize the common and harmonious development in our global village.

There are four functional departments under ICAPSINC as listed below.

I, Department of International Culture Exchange.
II, Department of World Economic Cooperation.
III, Department of Public Benefit and Philanthropy
IV, Department of International Liaison.

ICAPSINC invites the leading authority and friends in fields of culture, economy, philanthropy from various countries in the world for their kind support and cooperation to have great progress and triumph.

“国际文化艺术促进会(美国)” 的宗旨和历史使命是以促进世界各国文化交流为平台,进而促进世界各国社会经济多层面的广泛友好交往和社会经济发展的战略合作和实务对接。最终实现地球村的共同和谐友好健康发展。
一、 国际文化交流部; 二、世界经济合作部;
三、 公益慈善事业部; 四、对外联络部;


聘任书 Letter of Appointment

This is to certify that Mr. Xu Chongshi of the People’s Republic of China has been accepted the Chief Specialist of the International Cultures & Arts Promotion Society,Inc.(USA), and holds the post of managing director of subsidiary corporation World Economy Corporate and Parliamentary Service which has been registered in USA and has business corporate capacity, and his tenure is five years.
May 1, 2014
Zhiping Fu

International Cultures & Arts Promotion Society, Inc. (USA)