
Miranda-1252  10/12   22293  

一起来看一帖理性的医学数据贴。不可否认,在西方政治正确的大旗下,同性恋群体被描述成了所谓的弱势群体,在“反欺凌”的口号下,同性恋内容大规模进入中小学教学大纲,对同性恋不但要求大家包容,现在还要在校内“庆祝”,而丝毫不考虑其他家长的感受。同性恋需要被“积极地反应在教学大纲内”。这一切走得太远了!家长们必须坚决反对。我们一起来看看一些客观的官方数据:据BC省健康官P.R.W. Kendall2014年7月14日给省卫生厅长的报告,新的艾滋病感染病例中,57%是同性或双性恋人。而同性恋人群数量占总人口的比例,根据美国的抽样调查,大致推算为4%。同性恋群体感染艾滋的几率是普通人的多少倍,大家可以自己算一下。 另外,根据卫生部门2008年对大温地区同性恋社区的抽样调查,21%的同性恋人报告艾滋病检测呈“阳性”。在所附的这份长达104页的官方报告中,有大量的数据证明同性性交是导致艾滋病的一个重要原因。 我们尊重成年人的性取向,但是绝对不能认同对中小学生宣传这些成年内容。我们送孩子到学校是去接受文化教育的,不是去学如何口交、肛交的。我们也绝不接受男女生被迫混厕。市选在即,请把支持对小孩进行同性恋洗脑的政党(本拿比的BCA和温哥华的Vision Vancouver) 拉下马。齐心协力把Burnaby First, Vancouver First,Richmond Community Coalition 选上去,一起来保护好下一代的生存空间。有关健康数据,请见下面所附的报告全文。

The LGBT group has been presumed a “disadvantaged group” under the banner of political correctness in most western countries. Thus, in name of “anti-bullying”, the gay agenda has been massively pushed into public education system in these countries. It is now commonly mandatory to include into the curriculum the “diversity of sexual orientation and gender identity”. Homosexual lifestyles must now not only be positively recognized, but also celebrated, in public schools. The feeling of other students (to say nothing of their parents) is unimportant. Obviously the LGBT group has gone too far with the education system, and the parents of other students must not be silent any more.

Let us study some objective figures together. According to the Provincial Health Officer’s Annual Report for 2010, submitted to the B.C. Health Minister by the Officer Dr. P.R.W. Kendall on July 14, 2014, in 2011 gay and bisexual men (including gay and bisexual men who use injection drugs) comprised 57 per cent of all new infections (incidence) and 45 per cent of all people living with HIV in BC (prevalence). In a survey of gay and bisexual men in the Greater Vancouver area in 2008, 21 per cent of gay and bisexual men surveyed self reported as HIV positive. These trends
are not unique to BC; in other Canadian provinces as well as other developed countries (e.g., Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States), the majority of new HIV infections are in gay and bisexual men, and trends are either stable or increasing, which has led some to describe a
“re-emerging epidemic” of HIV among gay and bisexual men. This Annual Report clearly indicates that homosexuality and bi-sexuality are important factors of transmitting AIDS diseases. For details about these health statistics, please see attached the aforementioned Annual Report.

The majority of public does respect other people’s sexual orientations, but absolutely disagrees with pushing the gay agenda into the public schools that affect the majority students. The parents send their kids to schools for education, not for learning oral sex and/or anal sex “skills”. Moreover, it is absolutely unacceptable to sexually integrate boys and girls by forcing them share bathrooms in schools. Given the above, in the coming municipal election, we ask parents to work hard to vote down the parties, such as Burnaby Citizens Association, and Vision Vancouver, that support the homosexual indoctrination of kids in public schools. Let us endeavor to have those pro-family parties elected, e.g., the Vancouver First, Burnaby First Coalition, and Richmond Community Coalition, so that all student will be safe in schools.