【4/22/2017】Recap of Hope Toastmasters Meeting【图片】

Hope Toastmasters Club-110653  04/26   2906  

Summer time and location have been confirmed as

5/20/17 Saturday 3PM-4:30 PM

6/03/17 Saturday 3PM-4:30PM

6/17/17 Saturday 3PM-4:30PM

7/8/17 Saturday 3PM-4:30PM

7/22/17 Saturday 3PM-4:30PM

8/05/17 Saturday 3PM-4:30PM

8/19/17 Saturday 3PM- 4:30PM

Address: 1750 E Northrop Blvd, suite 230, chandler AZ 85286

please click the link below for driving direction: 


Speaker1 Caleb 


Caleb - 2nd speech. Caleb talked about the wonders of our very own solar system! It was highly informative and very interesting to learn about, especially with visual aids such as a PowerPoint and 3D model. He expressed his passion for space and the science of our planets in a clear, well organized presentation.

Caleb's solar system model!

Speaker 2 - Jennifer

Jennifer - Jennifer showed us once again what an experienced toastmaster she is through yet again another well presented speech about Valley Fever. She started off with a personal anecdote about a close friend afflicted with the disease, and then broadened the scope to discuss the way it could affect all of us living here in Phoenix, a highly prone area to Valley Fever. 







better speech evaluator: Julie

Table Topic: Kaitlyn


Functionary Roles:


Jokemaster: Leo

Timer: Kyle

Grammarian: Daniel

Ah Counter: Alex

QuizMaster: Hannah

 Grammarian: Ryan

Mini Speech: Leo

Pledge & Inspiration: Shimin



Better Speaker: Caleb

Better Evaluator: Julie

Better Table topic speaker (Adult): Shimin

Better Table topic speaker (Child): Michael

better table topic speaker (Adult): Shimin

better table topic speaker (Child): Michael

Leo's Mini-speech about book report