【4/1/2017】Recap of Hope Toastmasters Meeting【图片】

Hope Toastmasters Club-110653  04/03   1592  

What a fun and successful meeting we had on April Fool’s Day! Wendy opened the meeting followed by toastmaster Jennifer. Below are a few highlights from the meeting:

We conducted a quick survey in the meeting asking our members whether they would like to continue to meet during summer break, the result was unanimous, we all agreed to meet during summer. Since Hope Chinese School would be closed, we have located a new meeting place just for summer, stay tuned for future notices.
The meeting started 5 minutes late, toastmaster Jennifer did a fantastic job managing the time and closed the meeting on time. 

Thanks to all of members’ great participation, the meeting was orderly and lighthearted.

Speaker1 Yu

Yu - Icebreaker Speech. Between family and career, Yu had to choose one, she made a decision that’s in the family’s best interest. Wearing high heel at home, Yu strives to live a life with a style. We love your attitude for life! 

 Speaker 2- Amy

Amy -  Icebreaker Speech. Amy shared her story how she and her family managed to settle in the new land after they immigrate in US, it struck a chord with many immigrant parents in the meeting. Unlike most of the other parents, she has a unique situation yet similar reason to join our toastmaster club. Great first speech!

Evaluators -



Table topic -

This week’s table table was led by Joe. Joe successfully pulled a few pranks on us, he almost made us believe that Chandler was going to declare April Fool’s Day a holiday. Table topic questions got lots of raising hands and participation.

Functionary roles -

Pledge And Inspiration: Aiden

JokeMaster: Jason

General Evaluator: Caleb

Timer: Michael

Ah Counter: Claire

Grammarian: Hannah

Quizmaster: Leo

Awards -

Better speaker: Yu

Better evaluator: Shimin

Better table topic: Fei, Michael

Attendees Count-

Members: 13

Kids: 18

We discussed apologizing in the meeting. Wish we all apologize less, and have more confidence.
Don’t apologize for what you feel, it’s like saying sorry for being real.
Don’t apologize for asking what you deserve.
You don’t have to defend or explain your decisions to anyone. It’s your life. Live it without apologies.
Don’t apologize :)