David was loyal both to his people and to the Lord

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David was a true leader, he was loyal both to his people and to the Lord. Because, it was the lord who anointed him to be His king of His people.

When he was on the run hiding from Saul, he knew the Philistines were stealing grain from the people of Keilah. He asked the God whether he should attack the Philistine. The lord said, " Go and save the people of Keilah." David had the people in his heart even when he was in danger, and was willing to risk his own life to save his people.

When his follower raised concern and objection to the action, David did not force his decision , instead, he took their voice and concern seriously, and went to ask God again. The God told him again, " Go to fight the Philistines, I will help you to conquer them."

David was not a selfish and senseless king to his people, and he was not an assertive and arrogant leader to his men. Instead, he was loyal to them, as he was loyal to the Lord.

God might put us all in certain positions, you might be a parent , or a child ; might be a friend, or a brother; might be a leader or a follower. Be loyal to both the people and the lord, as David was loyal to both his people and the God.


Bible verses,
One day news came to David that the Philistines were at Keilah stealing grain from the threshing floors.

David asked the LORD, “Should I go and attack them?” “Yes, go and save Keilah,” the LORD told him.

But David’s men said, “We’re afraid even here in Judah. We certainly don’t want to go to Keilah to fight the whole Philistine army!”

So David asked the LORD again, and again the LORD replied, “Go down to Keilah, for I will help you conquer the Philistines.”

So David and his men went to Keilah. They slaughtered the Philistines and took all their livestock and rescued the people of Keilah. 1 Samuel‬ ‭23:1-5‬ ‭NLT‬‬