My father made me swear an oath

王山夆-104352  01/15   2284  

We live in a very liberal society, people do not have much commitment to each other.

But Joseph was a very responsible man, he had great commitment to his brothers, his father , and to the Pharaoh.

When Jacob passed away in Egypt, Joseph made a faithful commitment to his father. He promised to take his body back to Canaan, and bury him in the tomb he prepared for himself. After the period of mourning, Joseph went to pharaoh to ask for a leave, and he went to bury his deceased fathers in Canaan.

So, be responsible as Joseph, and have commitment to your family, your friends, the society, and the kingdom of the Lord. You will be blessed as the God blessed Joseph.


Bible verses,
When the period of mourning was over, Joseph approached Pharaoh’s advisers and said, “Please do me this favor and speak to Pharaoh on my behalf. Tell him that my father made me swear an oath. He said to me, ‘Listen, I am about to die. Take my body back to the land of Canaan, and bury me in the tomb I prepared for myself.’ So please allow me to go and bury my father. After his burial, I will return without delay.” Pharaoh agreed to Joseph’s request. “Go and bury your father, as he made you promise,” he said. Genesis‬ ‭50:4-6‬ ‭NLT‬‬