反对Pleasanton过度发展high density housing的发起人GEORGE Bowen竞选City Council party
微风-1162 08/02 66335.0/2
GEORGE Bowen, 反对Pleasanton过度发展high density housing的发起人http://www.Pleasantonvotersforsmartgrowth.org 终于决定参加竞选City Council。
“Nomination Signing Party” which will be this coming Monday evening, August 4, at 7:00pm at the home of Lori and Darrell Wong, at 3263 Melanie Circle. We will have wine, cheese and snacks. Council member Brown and former Mayor Frank Brandes will be there to support my campaign.“
Please sign this doc if you can join and show your support. (can editable on computer)
He said:"since we currently have only one slow growth person on the City Council, and the candidates that are running don’t appear to be slow growth, I have decided to run.
This morning I “pulled papers” at City Hall to enter the race for one of the two open positions on the City Council. As most of you know, I am doing this primarily to advocate for slow, thoughtful growth that doesn’t further burden our schools, water and other city services and infrastructure. I believe I will be the only candidate running who is on record advocating for a reduction of the excess inventory of high density zoned properties, and sharing Council member Karla Brown’s position of halting plans to develop the East Side of Pleasanton, where current plans are considering adding 1,759 new homes, primarily medium and high density. We need to help our schools and sustainably replenish our water supply before further taxing them."
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