Growing Tree Advantage秋季班招生中
渐入佳境-1346 07/22 50354.5/2 秋季写作班Java班开始招生。
开学升六年级或七年级小朋友可于7/22下午5:00前往20111 Stevens Creek Blvd #280 Cupertino CA 写作课付费试课一堂,试课后报名秋季课程免试课费。正式课程8/19开始。每周五5:10-6:40, 一期八次课,学费$400。开学升四至五年级家长可前往课堂与老师见面咨询了解新班开课时间。
Growing Tree Advantage 写作班由Elizabeth Softky授课, 是面向初中生的阅读写作课程。 通过互动模式, 启发学生如何取得写作灵感,介绍词汇语法在写作中的重要性, 教授文字的组织能力与进阶式写作方式 。
Overview, writing and affective assessments; How to get ideas for writing
Life-style and craft choices that support great writing
Memory as the basis of non-fiction and fiction narratives
Descriptive language
How reading builds vocabulary, grammar and writing skills
Writing personal statements
Organization and the Writing Spiral
Sensory language
Text analysis and vocabulary in context
Visual and kinesthetic writing prompts
Rhetorical Writing
Incorporating storytelling techniques
Writing the short story, Part 2
Drafting and revising
Writing the short story, Part 2
Focus: Metaphor and simile
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