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世界舞蹈日(World Dance Day)
4月29日,為聯合國教科文組織國際舞蹈理事會(UNESCO C/O CID)於1982年倡議的官方世界舞蹈日(World Dance Day)。每年CID邀請數以百萬計活躍在舞蹈界或更廣泛領域的所有朋友:教師、舞蹈編導、集團領導、記者、作家、研究人員、協會、基金會、商業組織、企業…等,在世界各地一同慶祝!
2016年4月29日,國際舞蹈理事會舊金山(CID San Francisco)與美國非營利組織AHSA邀請所有喜愛舞蹈的朋友一同攜手,打造《舞動世界》活動!
3.請將活動製作為1-3分鐘短片,視頻發至 (Contact:Carmelita Chao)。
視頻結尾,請以任何型式呈現2016年世界舞蹈日。譬如大喊:“Happy World Dance Day 2016!”(2016,世界舞蹈日快樂!),或製作成標誌。視頻請於2016年5月6日前發出。
UNESCO c/o CID San Francisco Dr. Hwa A. Lim(cid 17961) & Carmelita Chao(cid 17968)
應邀出席法國巴黎UNESCO 70th Anniversary & CID 21st International General Assembly
UNESCO c/o CID會議現場與Dr. Alkis Raftis (President of the CID)合照
(Participants of Super Bowl 50 Pepsi Halftime Show - Coldplay、Beyoncé、Bruno Mars Halftime Show)
˙2011 IHSC Professional Rising Star Hustle Championship Champions
˙2007-2010 Amateur World Hustle Championship Champions
˙More than 150 first places (5+5) smooth and Latin in Pro-Am with students
Super Bowl 50 Pepsi Halftime Show AuditionSuper Bowl 50 Pepsi Halftime Show
關於世界舞蹈日(聯合國教科文組織國際舞蹈理事會(UNESCO c/o CID提供)
自1982年以來,每年4月29日為聯合國教科文組織國際舞蹈理事會(UNESCO C/O CID)倡議的世界舞蹈日(World Dance Day),數以百萬計的舞者們將在世界各地一同慶祝!
老師(teachers)、編舞(choreographers)、集團領導(group leaders)、記者(journalists)、研究人員(researchers)、協會(associations)、供應商(suppliers)、組織(organizations)等。
The International Dance Council CID is the official organization for all forms of dance in all countries of the world.
April 29, 2016
Venue: All over the world
Since 1982, April 29th has been the World Dance Day. This year is no exception. We are inviting all interested parties to get involved in this international Day. All persons active in the wider field of dance: teachers, choreographers, group leaders, journalists, researchers, associations, suppliers, organizations, etc., are invited to take an active part on the Day.
To be a part of AHSA’s UNESCO CID World Dance Day
1. At a convenient time, between now and April 29, 2016, do some form of dance activities to bring awareness to a new group of people
a. Not necessarily at a dance studio.
b. In fact, at odd places and to a group of non/new dancers.
c. Do something different, something creative; the more novel the better!
2. Take a short video clip of a few minutes (4 minutes maximum)
a. In or at the end of the video, do something to identify that it is for World Dance Day 2016, such as yelling out “Happy World Dance Day 2016”, or something similar (forming or holding a sign).
3. Send the video to us at
no later than April 30, 2016, 9:00pm.
4. Identify, separately, by stating
a. Name of your organization
b. Location of the activity (eg. name of a park, name of city, name of country)
c. The type of dance activity
This information will get into a final integrated video so that everyone gets due credits or acknowledgments.
5. By the deadline, we will incorporate all videos into a World Dance Day 2016 video and post it on Youtube and archive it in UNESCO CID library so that all contributors now are each a proud participant of this special UNESCO CID event!!!
UNESCO c/o CID San Francisco
Dr. Hwa A. Lim (cid 17961) & Carmelita Chao (cid 17968)
˙Invited to UNESCO 70th Anniversary & CID 21st International General Assembly
UNESCO c/o CID General Assembly Hall Carmelita and Dr. Alkis Raftis (President of the CID)
˙Participants of Super Bowl 50 Pepsi Halftime Show - Coldplay、Beyoncé、Bruno Mars Halftime Show
˙2011 IHSC Professional Rising Star Hustle Championship Champions
˙2007-2010 Amateur World Hustle Championship Champions
˙More than 150 first places (5+5) smooth and Latin in Pro-Am with students
Super Bowl 50 Pepsi Halftime Show AuditionSuper Bowl 50 Pepsi Halftime Show
Moments just before Halftime Show
Background Info
(Provided by UNESCO CID)
April 29th of each year is the official Dance Day. It is an initiative of the Conseil International de la Danse (CID), United Nations’ Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), since 1982.
Like past years, it is anticipated this Day will be celebrated all over the world by millions of dancers and participants.
The following guidelines as a checklist for persons and organizations preparing to take active part on this international special Day:
The main purpose of World Dance Day events is to promote and bring awareness to the wider public of the art of dance, and benefits of dancing. Emphasis should be given to addressing a new public – people who do not follow dance events during the course of the year.
Dance Day events may be special performances, open-door classes, public rehearsals, lectures, exhibitions, articles in newspapers and magazines, dance evenings, radio and TV programs, visits, street shows, parades, shop window decorations etc.
Events are primarily organized by dance companies, amateur groups, schools, associations and other institutions active in dance. Wherever possible, it is better for events to be organized jointly with a non-dance institution such as a government agency, a public school, a municipality, a business enterprise, a trade union.
Organizers have full freedom to define the content of the event.
Make sure that you include general information on the art of dance, its history, its importance to society, its universal character. This can be done in a short speech, a note in the program, a text distributed to those present. By adding this dimension you make the event different from dance activities taking place any other day.
Read a message from a prominent personality, a poem, a passage from a text by a famous author.
In order to achieve maximum success, it is important that preparations start early enough.
It is imperative to inform the press and generally the media about your event.
Notify an organization holding a central position at regional or national level, which should publish a list of events planned for World Dance Day.
Entrance to events should preferably be free, or by invitation. Invite persons who do not normally attend dance events.
For best effects, events should take place in “new” places, such as streets, parks, squares, shops, factories, villages, discotheques, schools, stadiums etc.
By setting the event in original surroundings you stress the fact that this is an event dedicated to the universal family of dancers.