
anonymous-103486  03/27   3776  

如果凝聚群友们对于Charles Barron的言论有任何顾虑或不满的话,最适合他们以礼貌的方式联系的电话号码是 800-87384427。越多人打电话越好,这个电话是州议员道德监控委员会的电话号码。


We are writing to file a complaint against Assemblyman Charles Barron. We are deeply disturbed and disappointed by Assemblyman Charles Barron's repeated remarks that riots and violence will ensue if Peter Liang receives no jail time. He even went so far as to justify violence by saying that “riots are the voices of the unheard.”

We believe in solving our social problems in a just and civil manner. We believe our voices can be best heard in a non-violent environment. I am concerned with social stability if our government officials openly call for riots and violence. Are threatening messages Assemblyman Charles Barron’s only solution to our judicial system that he believes is flawed?

As a politician, Assemblyman Charles Barron has been given disproportionately larger powers and voice in our society. He is elected to make our city a better and safer place to live. Yet his recent remarks and conducts are unbefitting of a government official. We demand that Assemblyman Charles Barron rescind his remarks and make an apology to our community.
