Growing Tree Advantage Algebra1, Java和Writing class春季班招生

渐入佳境-1346  03/04   5096  


Local middle school 老师执教。

on going class, 周五3:45-5:45 教学内容Holt Algebra 1

适合学生:六年级pre-algebra尖子生;七年级八年级common core Algebra 1学生;七年级八年级Common core 7/8学生







Growing Tree Advantage
Spring 2016 Writing Program

Syllabus – 4th, 5th and 6th Grade

Instructor: Elizabeth Softky

Materials: Spiral-bound notebook, notebook or binder; pencils; red, blue or green pens

Workshop Goals:

​Discover the hidden rules of English spelling and grammar
​Generate a positive attitude towards writing
​Understand various genres for expressive and rhetorical writing
​Structural analysis; effective re-reading and revision

In the context of a purposeful, enjoyable and respectful learning environment
March 4​ ​Grammar: Linking Words, cont...
​Essay Writing: Writing Strong Sentences
​ ​Thematic Writing: What does freedom mean to you?/Drafting and ​Revising
March 11​ ​Grammar: Agreement – Special Problems in English
​Essay Writing: Eliminating Unnecessary Words
​ ​Thematic Writing: Loneliness/Drafting and revising
March 18 ​Grammar: Time – Special Problems in English
​Essay Writing: Using Adjectives Appropriately
​ ​Thematic Writing: Making Friends/Drafting and revising

March 25​Grammar: Pronouns - Advanced
​Essay Writing: Writing Well Balanced Sentences
​ ​Thematic Writing: Dealing with difficult people/Drafting and revising ​

April 1 ​Grammar: Cumulative Review
​Essay Writing: Well Developed Paragraphs
​ ​Thematic Writing: Challenging Times/Drafting and revising

April 8​ Grammar: Commonly Misspelled Words in English
​Essay Writing: Planning A Successful Piece of Writing
​ ​Thematic Writing: Identifying your strengths/Drafting and revising

地址:20111 Stevens Creek Blvd #280 Cupertino CA