红蜻蜓学校(Red Dragonfly Learning Center)即将举办Mathleague.com小学数学竞赛

Sean-1537  03/03   5977  


红蜻蜓学校(Red Dragonfly Learning Center)是Pleasanton唯一一家获得授权可以举办Mathleague.com小学数学竞赛的学校。 

1. Mathleague.com及其数学竞赛

Mathleague.com 是一个注重教育功效的数学竞赛举办组织。其竞赛内容强化学校数学教学内容。 
 其竞赛题目叙述严谨规范, 涵盖范围和难度适合中等以上水平的学生习做。



2. 在红蜻蜓参赛办法


  •    联系人 (Contact) Yani


  •    时间(Date and Time):2016423日星期六

10:00am  12:00pm 五年级比赛

2:00pm    4:00pm 四年级比赛



  • 竞赛地点:

红蜻蜓学校(Red Dragonfly Learning Center

6640 Owens Drive, Pleasanton, CA 94588


报名费 $5.00



Note:注意我们这次只提供四年级和五年级各30个名额。先到先得, 报名请从速。2016421日星期四报名截止。如果孩子数学程度好,低年级也可以参加四,五年级的比赛。


  •  规则和注意事项
                        1 )  家长需要填写 Parent Consent Form, 考试之前交给Yani
                        3)交卷之后,请在等待判卷期间,遵守学校规则。 老师会组织学生做一些轻松的活动

3. Mathleague.com小学数学竞赛FAQ


Q: Mathleague.com 和我们以前参加的(如去年10月在Harvest Park Middle School举办的)Mathleague.org 数学竞赛有何不同?

A: 以下表格给出比较, 也带有我们的主观看法。


Mathleague.com: Match school grades

Mathleague.org: Across school grades


Mathleague.com: Once a year

Mathleague.org: Multiple times

Number of Problems

Mathleague.com: 40

Mathleague.org: Multiple sections >120 problems


Mathleague.com: No above grade concepts

Mathleague.org: Mixed with above grade concepts


Mathleague.com: One round 30 minutes

Mathleague.org: Multiple rounds and totally around 100 minutes per incident


Mathleague.com: 注重数学概念的深度理解和解题技巧

Mathleague.org: 注重计算速度,公式概念, 和知识宽度

Problem Designer

Mathleague.com: Professional educators

Mathleague.org: Professional educators and some college students


Q: 低年级学生可以参赛吗?

A: 可以。

Q: 高年级学生可以参加低年级比赛吗?

A: 不可以。但是低年级学生可以参加高年级比赛。

Q: 有赛前练习和样题吗?

A: 有。 参见赛前练习和参加办法

4.  Affidavit Form


My child, (___________) , attends (                          Name of Schoolin (                                  Name of City School Is Located in). I certify that this school does not participate in the California Mathematics League. I understand that if my child participates in the contest at both his regular school and at the Red Dragonfly Learning Center, my child will be disqualified and he will not receive any awards from the California Mathematics League.

5. For students at Red Dragonfly, a free online adaptive learning system for Grade 4 is included, valid through 06/30/2016. Once registered, a username and password will be provided. 

Summary of Math League Adaptive Learning System Features:

  • The system can quickly help improve your students' performance on annual Math League Contests and increase their chances to qualify for annual Stanford Math League Summer Tournament.

  • The system can provide your students with a personalized learning environment where they can learn at their own pace and measure their own progress.

  • The system allows your students to do practice work and to complete instructor/parent-assigned tests and homework assignments online. Based on their results, it builds individual study plans that your students can use to improve their math fundamentals and skills. It can tailor learning to your students.

  • Repository of questions: The system contains all the questions from the 4th Grade Contests (27 contests, 1988-1989 through 2014-2015)

  • The system facilitates parents to participate in their children's learning process so they can understand and assist their children along the way to accomplish goals.

  • The system keeps track all the questions a student didn't answer correctly. We call this the "mistake list" of a particular student. A student can always check his/her "mistake list" and work on the questions again. The system can also generate "similar questions." Question A's similar questions are defined as the questions which have the same topic as that of Question A and the same level of difficulty.

  • The system can conduct analysis of a student's performance over a particular period, for example, the last two months, identifying the topics he/she has mastered (strengths), and the topics he/she needs more work (weaknesses), and generating questions for this student to improve his/her weaknesses.

  • Please check the FAQs at http://online.mathleague.com/faq/faqteacher.php for more detailed description of the system.